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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Here's a little tidbit

Arkansas is the only team in the country with a 3,000-yard passer in Ryan Mallett, a 1,000-yard rusher with Knile Davis and five 500-yard receivers - Joe Adams, Greg Childs, Jarius Wright, Cobi Hamilton and D.J. Williams.

Greg Childs however, is out with a knee injury.
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"The Experts?"

Watching this afternoon, the sentiment seems to be that Mallett is a god and will throw the ball all over the field on us. Oh and Pryor is the only chance we have to win.

Not sure that Mallett will be the MVP if Arky wins. IMO, it'll be the offensive line that kept him off his @ss. If they don't, he'll have a very rough day. That, and the buckeye secondary is much better than they (The Experts) seem to think it is.

Also, Pryor may be called on to win the game for us, but...

Our offensive line can dominate in the run game, control TOP and wear down a defense. If they can't do this, TP is likely to press in trying to win it himself. He is capable of winning it "by himself" (2010 Rose Bowl), but I don't like our chances if we're unable to run the ball.

As usual, "the Buckeyes can't beat the SEC, all the pressure is on Tressel to win this game, SEC speed" were part of the commentary.

I don't know why I watch that crap, other than the occasional insight from whoever the guest is that week.

Biggest thing will be a quick start. We haven't always played great in the first quarter, and it cost us a shot at a MNC. If we're able to come out and establish the LOS, we'll be just fine.

Go Bucks!!!!
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buckeye78;1829940; said:
Watching this afternoon, the sentiment seems to be that Mallett is a god and will throw the ball all over the field on us. Oh and Pryor is the only chance we have to win.

Not sure that Mallett will be the MVP if Arky wins. IMO, it'll be the offensive line that kept him off his @ss. If they don't, he'll have a very rough day. That, and the buckeye secondary is much better than they (The Experts) seem to think it is.

Also, Pryor may be called on to win the game for us, but...

Our offensive line can dominate in the run game, control TOP and wear down a defense. If they can't do this, TP is likely to press in trying to win it himself. He is capable of winning it "by himself" (2010 Rose Bowl), but I don't like our chances if we're unable to run the ball.

As usual, "the Buckeyes can't beat the SEC, all the pressure is on Tressel to win this game, SEC speed" were part of the commentary.

I don't know why I watch that crap, other than the occasional insight from whoever the guest is that week.

Biggest thing will be a quick start. We haven't always played great in the first quarter, and it cost us a shot at a MNC. If we're able to come out and establish the LOS, we'll be just fine.

Go Bucks!!!!

You're going to be able to run the ball. Any Arkansas fan will tell you openly we suck against defending the run. We would rather you throw because we like our secondary. If you have under 150 rushing yards I'll be very suprised.
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Fratteries;1829944; said:
You're going to be able to run the ball. Any Arkansas fan will tell you openly we suck against defending the run. We would rather you throw because we like our secondary. If you have under 150 rushing yards I'll be very suprised.
I'm not sure I'm going to take your word on this. But if it's true that you're not great against the run, I like the Buckeyes' chances.

But I'm not sure I'm going to take your word on this. :lol:
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With the caveat that I probably haven't watched five minutes of Arkansas football this year...

I was looking at the statistical comparison between OSU and Arkansas on The O-zone, and I was struck by the fact that, while OSU had significantly better defensive stats in virtually every category, there was one notable exception. The two teams are virtually identical in 3rd down conversion defense. It makes me wonder if Arkansas's defense was generally very solid for about 90% of the snaps, but vulnerable to the occasional big play. I'd be interested to see a statistical comparison of plays given up over 20 yards, over 30 yards, etc.
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MaxBuck;1829946; said:
I'm not sure I'm going to take your word on this. But if it's true that you're not great against the run, I like the Buckeyes' chances.

But I'm not sure I'm going to take your word on this. :lol:
I'm with Max on this one. I agree completely that he is not sure if he's going to take your word on this.
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Mallett set to face old rival in Ohio State

By KURT VOIGT, AP Sports Writer 6 minutes ago

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP)?Ryan Mallett spent only one season as a Wolverine, but part of him will always be a Michigan man.
Mallett learned all he needed to know about the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry during that one season. It?s a lesson that will be on the quarterback?s mind when he leads No. 8 Arkansas (10-2) against the No. 6 Buckeyes (11-1) in the Sugar Bowl on Jan. 4.
"It's going to be a fun game," Mallett said. "It's two great teams. Obviously, I had the traditional rivalry hatred (at Michigan). I've still got a little Michigan in me from that. I've never really been a big fan (of Ohio State)."

Just how deep does that rivalry run for Mallett?
"I don't know if it's something you can say on air or in the paper," Mallett said.

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buckeye78;1829940; said:
As usual, "the Buckeyes can't beat the SEC, all the pressure is on Tressel to win this game, SEC speed" were part of the commentary.

Amazing how they ignore that Arkansas can't beat the Big 10.

It's actually funny in talking about things like that. (The few articles that mention it)

For Ohio State, we're 0-9 in bowl games and 7-11-2 overall.

But then they mention Arkansas is 0-3 in bowl games and 1-3 in regular season.

In case you didn't see what they did there, let's switch it around.

Ohio State is 0-9 in bowl games and 7-2-2 in regular season against the SEC.

Arkansas is 0-3 in bowl games and 1-6 overall against the Big10.
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muffler dragon;1829952; said:

Told ya, haha. That number could be higher too. When we played south Carolina lattimore only had 7 carries because we knocked him out of the game. So if he plays the whole game he gets his yards. It also could be lower, but cam newton and company had 300 yards rushing against us, or maybe that was cam newton himself.
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Coqui;1829959; said:
Arkansas is 0-3 in bowl games and 1-6 overall against the Big10.

Luckily for Arkansas some of those games are from 1930 and the Houston nutt era who is always terrible in bowl games. Luckily we have a new coach who knows how to win. So I'm not worried about our loses from 1920 and with Nutt.
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SmoovP;1829939; said:
Arkansas is the only team in the country with a 3,000-yard passer in Ryan Mallett, a 1,000-yard rusher with Knile Davis and five 500-yard receivers - Joe Adams, Greg Childs, Jarius Wright, Cobi Hamilton and D.J. Williams.

Ohio State is one of two teams in the country (#3 TCU) ranked in the top four in all four major defensive categories:

Rushing: #4 (94.33 ypg)
Passing: #4 (156.25 ypg)
Total: #2 (250.58 ypg)
Scoring: #3 (13.33 ppg)

Keep in mind that scoring defense includes all scores surrendered by the team, including those given up by special teams. We've given up four special teams TDs this year (2 kickoff, 1 punt, 1 blocked FG return). So instead of 160 points in 12 games, our defense has actually surrendered 132 points (11.00 ppg) which would put us #1 in scoring defense (assuming TCU and WVU didn't give up any special teams TDs).

So excuse me if I'm not all that impressed by your stats...
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SmoovP;1829939; said:
Arkansas is the only team in the country with a 3,000-yard passer in Ryan Mallett, a 1,000-yard rusher with Knile Davis and five 500-yard receivers - Joe Adams, Greg Childs, Jarius Wright, Cobi Hamilton and D.J. Williams.

Greg Childs however, is out with a knee injury.
Mili's comments notwithstanding, I think you have some real talent on offense. Your O-line has some bad men on it, too.
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