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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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First thoughts just from watching both squads this year...

  • The Razorback offense is definitely a huge test. I expect them to hurt tOSU for some decent gains but Heacock defenses are known for avoiding the homerun plays. This will be an "adjustment" game for both sides and I look forward to that matchup between two excellent schemes.
  • Can Arkansas handle the Buckeye run game and how will tOSU incorporate a 'healthier' Pryor into the ground game? Too many folks overlooked that TP was on 1 wheel for most of this season.
  • tOSU's D-line has not produced many sacks this year...can they get close enough to Mallett?
  • The Buckeye slow starts this season...against a team beyond fired up to be in a BCS bowl. Could be a bad recipe.
  • Special teams. Been a very shaky year.
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Fratteries;1829979; said:
Us hog fans feel your pain. Our special teams isn't anything awesome either.

We've given up 3 return TDs (2 KO, 1 punt) with a 4th return TD (KO) called back by a questionable call. We also had a FG blocked and returned for a TD. I'd think it'd be a safe bet that no other team in the country has been as shakey on special teams as we have.
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osugrad21;1829977; said:
First thoughts just from watching both squads this year...

  • The Razorback offense is definitely a huge test. I expect them to hurt tOSU for some decent gains but Heacock defenses are known for avoiding the homerun plays. This will be an "adjustment" game for both sides and I look forward to that matchup between two excellent schemes.
  • Can Arkansas handle the Buckeye run game and how will tOSU incorporate a 'healthier' Pryor into the ground game? Too many folks overlooked that TP was on 1 wheel for most of this season.
  • tOSU's D-line has not produced many sacks this year...can they get close enough to Mallett?
  • The Buckeye slow starts this season...against a team beyond fired up to be in a BCS bowl. Could be a bad recipe.
  • Special teams. Been a very shaky year.

Agreed on all counts.

The key to beating the Hogs is to A) run the ball well, B) flush Mallett out of the pocket and C) limit yards after catch

A) Keeps our offense on the sideline
B) Mallett is prone to making mistakes when you get him moving his feet. He's not quite the statue that folks like to make him out to be, he moves well in the pocket and can execute a nice rollout, but he's no threat to scramble.
C) Solid tackling of our receivers is crucial to prevent the quick score.

Our receiving corps is one of our biggest strengths offensively. All of them have very good-to-excellent hands, all of them very fast and run well after the catch. Running after the catch is something that Petrino puts a lot of emphasis on.
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MililaniBuckeye;1829982; said:
We've given up 3 return TDs (2 KO, 1 punt) with a 4th return TD (KO) called back by a questionable call. We also had a FG blocked and returned for a TD. I'd think it'd be a safe bet that no other team in the country has been as shakey on special teams as we have.

We give up 25 yards per KO return. 1 has gone for a TD.

And I know we gave up one punt return for a TD that got called back.

Our punt coverage team is pretty decent, but our kickoff coverage team is pretty woeful. You can count on at least one long KO return, maybe two.

It's a mystery to me why that is.
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SmoovP;1829990; said:
Agreed on all counts.

The key to beating the Hogs is to A) run the ball well, B) flush Mallett out of the pocket and C) limit yards after catch

A) Keeps our offense on the sideline
B) Mallett is prone to making mistakes when you get him moving his feet. He's not quite the statue that folks like to make him out to be, he moves well in the pocket and can execute a nice rollout, but he's no threat to scramble.
C) Solid tackling of our receivers is crucial to prevent the quick score.

Our receiving corps is one of our biggest strengths offensively. All of them have very good-to-excellent hands, all of them very fast and run well after the catch. Running after the catch is something that Petrino puts a lot of emphasis on.

This is what bothers me...and what I forgot to mention in my initial post. tOSU's secondary has been devastated by injuries and tackling has been a serious issue. I see Arkansas watching plenty of Purdue, Indiana, and Troy film this month...
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osugrad21;1829992; said:
This is what bothers me...and what I forgot to mention in my initial post. tOSU's secondary has been devastated by injuries and tackling has been a serious issue. I see Arkansas watching plenty of Purdue, Indiana, and Troy film this month...


Ahh, Danny, this isn't Russia. Is this Russia? This isn't Russia, is it?

EDIT: Damn my interwebs are slow.
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WildHog;1829919; said:
Just heard from a Buckeye friend that tOSU hasn't sold their allotment of 17,500 through the tOSU ticket office.

Hope to see lot's of Buckeye fans in Nawlins, gonna be some great fun in the Quarter.

Hopefully, I'm not missing something. I thought they went on sale tomorrow?
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