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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1829780; said:
I just got the game day menu for the OSU football team and it is as follows:
2lbs of bacon per player
1 ham steak per player
rack of spare ribs
honey glazed ham
ham hocks
pork chops

And Ben and Jerry's LipitorGalore ice cream????
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muffler dragon;1829755; said:
I don't recall a single instance where TP threw an interception "when the heat is off(blowouts) he gets lazy in decision making." Hence, my question.

It's been a long season for us all! :tongue2:
I would suggest looking at the blowout game dvds if you have them and the time.
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2Q: 3rd-18, OHIO30 0:14 D. Fletcher intercepted T. Pryor for no gain Score 34-0 Ohio State
3Q: 1st-10, OHIO41 6:22 D. Fletcher intercepted T. Pryor for no gain. Score 34-0 Ohio State

2Q: 1st-10, OHST35 4:47 T. Henry intercepted T. Pryor for 17 yards. Score 7-7

4Q 3rd-14, WIS37 1:22 B. Sorensen intercepted T. Pryor for no gain Score, Wisconsin 31-18

2Q 2nd-4, PURD18 9:20 W. Lucas intercepted T. Pryor for 7 yards 21-0
3Q 3rd-8, PURD48 4:54 R. Maci intercepted T. Pryor for 18 yards 42-0

2Q 1st-10, MINN2 7:10 R. Collado intercepted T. Pryor for 4 yards 17-7

Penn State
4Q: 2nd-12, PSU25 13:01 M. Willis intercepted T. Pryor for no gain 17-14

2Q: 2nd-10, IOWA43 1:16 M. Hyde intercepted T. Pryor for no gain 3-7 Iowa
4Q: 3rd-10, OHST20 12:30 S. Prater intercepted T. Pryor for 11 yards 10-10

2Q: 3rd-18, MICH19 0:11 J. Kovacs intercepted T. Pryor for 41 yards 24-7

So.... as it turns out, Pryor's picks were usually thrown when the game was still being contested, even if they ended up being blowouts. That is - 5 of 11 picks came when the game was all but over. The rest came in situations where Ohio State was tied, trailing, or leading 10 or less.
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HogFan77;1829509; said:
For Arkansas:

Greatest Strength: Balance. We've gotten to the point where we can run, pass short, or pass deep pretty much any time we need it. We've used our balance to really keep defenses guessing and when Petrino has a balanced offense he's proven to be one of the best play callers in the college game.

Weakness: Penalties. We've had way too many false start penalties that have really killed our drives. Hoping we can get these worked out before the game.

Strength: Defensive Line. I really like our defensive line, we've got decent depth, even if some of it is young. We've proven that we can be disruptive against both the run and the pass. Jake Bequette is one of the most clutch guys I've seen on an Arkansas defense in quite a while. He has a knack for coming through and getting a sack when we need it most.

Questionable: Linebackers. Our linebacker group leaves me a little confused. Some games they look great and others you can tell they aren't quite sure what they are doing. Hopefully the Sugar Bowl is a good game for this group.

Weakness: Defensive Backs. Though they're much improved over the previous two years, we still get caught not paying attention to the ball and getting burned deep or getting hit with a big pass interference penalty. We'll need these guys to mature and step up if we want to slow down the Buckeye offense.

Special Teams:
Strength: Punt return and placekicking. Joe Adams can be electric when he gets the chance to return one. Zach Hocker is our freshman kicker and has been a blessing for us this year. He's missed a few late in the year, but has been "money" for the most part.

Weakness: Kickoff coverage. We've given up several big returns. Luckily, our defense has managed to step up most of the time and limit teams to a field goal after these huge returns, at least lately. We've tried several different combinations of guys on the coverage team and just haven't found the right mixture yet. They've got to become more disciplined and stay in their lanes and make tackles.

That's how I view the strengths and weaknesses of each of our units, I'm sure some hog fans will have different opinions. What do Buckeye fans think about their team? What are you most confident about, and what are you worried might be suspect?
Good analysis...
But I might add some intangables:

40K Hog fans calling the Hogs in the Dome..Advantage Hogs
6 game winning streak, 3 games against top 25 opponents..Advantage Hogs
tOSU BCS game experience..Advantage..tOSU

All in all the game is evenly matched, throw out all the stats and wishful thinking. This game will come down to game day preparation and execution!

I think we have a shot!
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muffler dragon;1829911; said:
I think you'll be impressed with the Buckeye turnout.
We travel, no doubt about it - but I feel Arkansas being in their first ever BCS game will bring more fans than our BCS spoiled fanbase.

Wouldn't be shocked if there are more Buckeyes than Razorbacks in the stands, but if I was a betting man.. Arkansas will bring more fans.
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Bleed S & G;1829920; said:
We travel, no doubt about it - but I feel Arkansas being in their first ever BCS game will bring more fans than our BCS spoiled fanbase.

Wouldn't be shocked if there are more Buckeyes than Razorbacks in the stands, but if I was a betting man.. Arkansas will bring more fans.

It's all over the Arkansas message boards that your admin office opens up to-the-public sales tomorrow at 9:00 am. with your allotment of tickets.

Seeing as ours are all sold, I've seen quite a number of Arkansas fans saying they will buy from your allotment.

It might just be people talking, but we did sell all ours in a hurry. They're reporting that we had over 6k more requests than available tickets.

There will be a lot of Hog fans there.
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WildHog;1829907; said:
40K Hog fans calling the Hogs in the Dome..Advantage Hogs
Both schools will have the same number of tickets allocated. From experience, I think the crowd for tOSU can be as loud as any group in the country. Besides, any tickets not sold by Arkansas will be bought up by Buckeye fans. Again, from experience (though not from Arkansas experience :wink2: )

6 game winning streak, 3 games against top 25 opponents..Advantage Hogs
By kick-off, both teams will have played (and won) the same number of games in December: Zero. There will be no "wave" to ride into the game.
Leading up to this game, I don't imagine the players or coaches will care about winning streaks

tOSU BCS game experience..Advantage..tOSU
In 2002 tOSU had no experience in National Championship games, yet we won.

So it is as you said, and I agree: All in all the game is evenly matched, throw out all the stats and wishful thinking. This game will come down to game day preparation and execution!
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MightbeaBuck;1829925; said:
Both schools will have the same number of tickets allocated. From experience, I think the crowd for tOSU can be as loud as any group in the country. Besides, any tickets not sold by Arkansas will be bought up by Buckeye fans. Again, from experience (though not from Arkansas experience :wink2: )



FYI, our allotment is sold out..
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I think most Buckeye fans will (if they haven't already) go the ticket broker route so they can get the travel packages. The school provided ticket allotments are such a small percentage of the total available, that I don't think those will be the difference in who has the biggest crowd.
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