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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Any stats on how many times OSU took a knee in the red zone such as Miami. I think the RZ possesions quantity should be reduced for number of times OSU assumed the victory form in the RZ.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1829674; said:
Re: Arkansas Offense Red Zone performance as against Ohio State's Offensive Red Zone performance:

Arkansas has scored 256 points on 46 trips inside the 20 for an average of 5.57 per RZ possession.

Ohio State has scored 322 points on 63 trips inside the 20 for an avergae of 5.11 per RZ possession.

Ohio State also suffered 5 or 6 red zone turnovers (1 fumble, and 4 or 5 picks) which have seriously hurt Ohio State's numbers on this metric. Had Ohio State scored TDs and earned the PAT, they could have scored 5.78 per (assuming 6 red zone turnovers). Even had they settled for 3, they would have been better at 5.40. (Edit: "better" was not meant to say "better than Arkansas" as 5.40 is below Ark's performance).

As I learned and posted in another thread - fortunately those RZ turnovers never cost Ohio State a game as all the RZ TOs occurred in blow outs.
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funman;1829706; said:
Any stats on how many times OSU took a knee in the red zone such as Miami. I think the RZ possesions quantity should be reduced for number of times OSU assumed the victory form in the RZ.
A good point.... I'll look it up...(All things being equal, though, I suspect Arkansas took the knee a couple time too.. but... I'm guessing, to be sure).

Edit: I count 3 times Ohio State kneed while inside the RZ. Marshall, Miami and Michigan.

Thus: 322 points in 60 trips = 5.37
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I think we have seen enough of TP to know that when the heat is off(blowouts) he gets lazy in decision making. It's a natural thing for teams and players to mentally lose interest/sharpness in blowouts.
Now, not scoring on RZ positions is another thing. Some of it I contribute to the play calling. Too predictable.
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Taosman;1829738; said:
It's been a long season. TP has thrown 11 interceptions. I think. Why don't you go look at some of the blowout game tapes? :tongue2:

I don't recall a single instance where TP threw an interception "when the heat is off(blowouts) he gets lazy in decision making." Hence, my question.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1829674; said:
Re: Arkansas Offense Red Zone performance as against Ohio State's Offensive Red Zone performance:

Arkansas has scored 256 points on 46 trips inside the 20 for an average of 5.57 per RZ possession.

Ohio State has scored 322 points on 63 trips inside the 20 for an avergae of 5.11 per RZ possession.

Ohio State also suffered 5 or 6 red zone turnovers (1 fumble, and 4 or 5 picks) which have seriously hurt Ohio State's numbers on this metric. Had Ohio State scored TDs and earned the PAT, they could have scored 5.78 per (assuming 6 red zone turnovers). Even had they settled for 3, they would have been better at 5.40. (Edit: "better" was not meant to say "better than Arkansas" as 5.40 is below Ark's performance).

As I learned and posted in another thread - fortunately those RZ turnovers never cost Ohio State a game as all the RZ TOs occurred in blow outs.

We've had a few red zone turnovers as well. And taken a knee a couple of times too.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1829717; said:
A good point.... I'll look it up...(All things being equal, though, I suspect Arkansas took the knee a couple time too.. but... I'm guessing, to be sure).

Edit: I count 3 times Ohio State kneed while inside the RZ. Marshall, Miami and Michigan.

Thus: 322 points in 60 trips = 5.37
Wisconsin will take a knee in the endzone...
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FCollinsBuckeye;1829185; said:
Hottest team in football:


Im betting that this team would most likely put up at least 21 against scUM!:osu::oh:
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