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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Holy [censored], I go to see if there is a Sugar Bowl thread started, and we're on page 43!!

My quick take, this will be a very good game. Hoping for a good wide open game plan out of OSU, much like the Rose Bowl last year,, after 5 weeks of preparation.

I think Mallet is very good, but then again I think both QB's are very good. The matchup will be receivers vs DBs, and I really feel good about OSU's back 4 or 5.

The OSU-Wiscy game has been mentioned a couple of times. Fellas, that was just a butt kickin' in the first half. Our D Line got pushed backwards for the entire first half.

The second half was a different story, we got within 3 points, but it was too much. And let's not forget Camp Randall is a tough place to play, especially for OSU.

I feel good about our offense against the Arky defense, but even better about our defense against their offense.

Early prediction, 34-24, OSU.

Go Bucks!
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Things I've learned visiting the Arkansas boards.

1) They're nice people for the most part. Nicest opposing fanbase in a while.

2) There is little to no respect for the Ohio State defense. Our linebackers are slow and the rest of the defense shouldn't even show up.

3) Ryan Mallett is a God and walks on water. Tim Tebow can't compare to the awesomeness that is Ryan Mallett.

4) They don't talk about their defense at all. None. No threads about how they'll deal with the Ohio State offense...period. Which leads to

5) No threads at all about the Ohio State offense or Terrelle Pryor. Shocking.

Apparently, the only units that will be on the field are the Ohio State defense and the Arkansas offense.
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Bill Lucas;1829407; said:
2) There is little to no respect for the Ohio State defense. Our linebackers are slow and the rest of the defense shouldn't even show up.

You must have to talk "SEC" to them.... try this:
Marshall Head Coach Doc Holliday called the 2010 OSU defense "Every bit as fast if not faster" than the 2006 Florida National Championship team he coached on.

3) Ryan Mallett is a God and walks on water. Tim Tebow can't compare to the awesomeness that is Ryan Mallett.
Well... we already knew that. I mean... he was a scUMmer once. :wink2:
Apparently, the only units that will be on the field are the Ohio State defense and the Arkansas offense.
Sounds like Oregon, December, 2009.
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KingLeon;1829416; said:
Isn't it more of a 4-2-5??? Don't we run with the Star like 60 or 70% of the time? Even more in this case...
I think Ohio State would prefer to go out in a 4-3 every game, if they could. But as against the spread teams, 4-2-5 is what they do - that is, replace the LB with a LB/S hybrid. I think of the 4-2-5 look that Ohio State runs as being based on 4-3 principles, though, as the Star replaces WLB, if I'm not mistaken, and seems to share that position's responsibilities. I could be wrong though.
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I'm curious

What do Y'a...You guys think about Terrelle Pryor's pro prospects?

Will he go to the league as a QB? Does he have the arm to make it as a pro QB, or will they try and move him to H-back or receiver?

And, does he have the mental makeup (work ethic, attitude, etc.) to make it as a pro?

Is he done after this year, or will he come back for his Sr Season?
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SmoovP;1829453; said:
What do Y'a...You guys think about Terrelle Pryor's pro prospects?
Significantly better than when he came out of HS
Will he go to the league as a QB? Does he have the arm to make it as a pro QB, or will they try and move him to H-back or receiver?
Terrelle Pryor is a quarterback. He has the size to be QB, and he has the arm. He's learning how to use it, and he has made a great improvement during his time at Ohio State. He no longer relies on his superior athleticism to win games. He came to OSU to be a QB, not a runner playing QB.

And, does he have the mental makeup (work ethic, attitude, etc.) to make it as a pro?
Are you kidding? This guy has had a mic in his face for years now. Granted, he's not a 35 year old Michael Jordan with the media, but he's been dealing with "pressure" of a "pro-like" environment since he was a Sr. in HS. He has made the questionable statement or two, for sure. But, he has never displayed a negative attitude. He has shown "fire" but it's clear he respects and responds to his coaches - who, incidentally, are pretty hard on him. He is harder on himself.

As for work ethic.... ummm... yeah.. he's got that. He wants to be the best, and he works hard for it. Film rat. He's also doing well in school, in the class room? Why? As he says, "If I'm going to be a leader of this team, I have to be one in the class room too."

Terrelle Pryor seems to be one of those guys who will achieve that which he sets his mind to.

He has had no off the field problems of any significance whatever.
Is he done after this year, or will he come back for his Sr Season?
He says he's coming back, and frankly - he should. As much as he HAS improved at Ohio State as a QB, I don't think he's ready for the League yet. He's got the tools, but he needs another year, in my opinion.
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SmoovP;1829453; said:
What do Y'a...You guys think about Terrelle Pryor's pro prospects?
Can play his way into a late 1 to late 2 prospect with a strong senior campaign. Right now he's just an athlete and a project at QB.
Will he go to the league as a QB? Does he have the arm to make it as a pro QB, or will they try and move him to H-back or receiver?
He has the arm strength but his mechanics are still a work in progress. He also has a LONG ways to go in terms of seeing the field.

He can't cut it at WR, he doesn't like being tackled as a runner so asking him to operate over the middle is a bad plan. I don't see him being a strong blocker either.

I'm still curious to see what he could become at 6'5" 255-265 (different S&C program)coming off the edge.
And, does he have the mental makeup (work ethic, attitude, etc.) to make it as a pro?
He is a very hard worker (since he arrived) in the film room & trying to improve every little thing. If anything, he is too hard on himself and is too much of a perfectionist, and that can keep him from pulling the trigger at times.
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TP could have gone other places and put up incredible numbers. But coming here is going to make him an NFL ready QB, which is what he wanted. He may be jealous of Cam Newton now (idk if he is or not lol), but when he comes back next year and when he's in the NFL in 2 years he will be more than thankful. Also, when Jim Tressel is your coach you have the chance to become a great young man as well. He's been improving consistently, making a huge jump this year compared to last. I think that the jump from this year to next will be even greater. Mental and mechanical growth is his as long as he continues to work as hard as he does. I think that people are going to be shocked how good he's going to be next year, although I guess many have expected that from day one. Consistency is also another big key for him. He's got work left to do and he knows this. I'm so excited to see how much of a leap he can take again from this year to next.

The kid was RAW as raw can be coming in. It would have been easy to just let him run a 1 read pass offense and run the option all game long for 4 years.

In my opinion, he's going to be great next year. We will see.
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The kid was RAW as raw can be coming in. It would have been easy to just let him run a 1 read pass offense and run the option all game long for 4 years.
The assistant coach from the Army All American game couldn't believe how raw he was. He didn't know how to do a 3 or 5 step drop. He also felt his potential was through the roof.
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jwinslow;1829474; said:
The assistant coach from the Army All American game couldn't believe how raw he was. He didn't know how to do a 3 or 5 step drop. He also felt his potential was through the roof.

And it is. And he's got a long way to go before reaching it which is part of why I see him making an even greater jump as a QB from this year to next.

It's only gonna get easier, imo.
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LordJeffBuck;1829173; said:
...plus all sorts of individual hardware (for example, seven Heisman trophies - you heard of that one yet?)

To be fair, D-Mac should've won the Heisman.

Hogtropolis;1829212; said:
I know Pryor is a good passer, but I wouldn't underestimate Cam as a passer just because he can dominate you with the run. I think a lot of people overlook how good of a passer he is.

Cam is a 1-read/gimmick passer. His best asset as a QB is the speed and route running of his receivers. Luckily, DB play in the SEC is down this year.

KingLeon;1829478; said:
And it is. And he's got a long way to go before reaching it which is part of why I see him making an even greater jump as a QB from this year to next.

Unlike many college QBs, if TP doesn't make the big leap (in terms of performance) next year I will be just as excited to watch him take care of business in the pro ranks. He does have an unimaginable potential that has not yet been tapped. When he will hit his max I cannot imagine, I can only hope that he gets close next year. Because TP's max is easily going to be more impressive than Cam Newton this year.

TP's decision to come to The Ohio State University was purely a business decision (and before ubet jumps all over this one) MEANING he knew that he would not get a better education as a QB and would not find a better place to prepare for the NFL than under JT and his staff. If you Hog fans aren't aware, JT was a QB in college and a Buckeye QB coach before making his legend out at Youngstown State.

With time to prepare and get healthy, TP has every bit of potential to take over the game on offense to the point where the defense just has to play a solid game to win (see: Texas '09 and Oregon '10). It just so happens that Colt McCoy was too much (and easily better than Ryan Mallett, sorry).
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Hogtropolis;1829212; said:
I know Pryor is a good passer, but I wouldn't underestimate Cam as a passer just because he can dominate you with the run. I think a lot of people overlook how good of a passer he is.
He's definitely a college QB, but I don't see a pro prospect at QB. Perhaps a package guy with incredible upside at many other positions as well.
Razorbuzz;1829223; said:
Will you guys have to blitz to get pressure on our QB & leave your CBs in single coverage? Do you blitz often? I know you have a great defense but just curious as to what style you play. I havent got the chance to watch you guys play much this year.
They lean on the blitz a little bit to generate pressure, but usually with 1 extra guy. They do not send the house all that often.

They do have a lot of faith in their corners outside to leave them unsupported. Chekwa is a superb cover man. Torrence is merely solid opposite him. The most talented of the three is the #3 cb, Travis Howard, but he was injured for a bit of this season (along with the entire DB corps, if you haven't noticed yet :lol:).

The front 4 aren't quite on par with some of the dominant 02, 05, 09 units in large part because of the lack of depth. The first line is excellent but there's a bigger dropoff than usual at #2/3. The 09 line was special because Simon, Mathews were rotating in. The 02 line was destroying Dorsey with a 3 man rush.
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