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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Pryor- Arkansas has had difficulty stopping mobile QB's. Cam Newton ran all over us and, quite frankly, this is my major area of concern. Pryor was listed as a preseason Heisman favorite for a reason. My question is this: Does tOSU have specific rushing play calls for Pryor (designed runs) or do most of his carries come from his own improvisation and freakish athleticism?
OSU has a handful of designed runs, it really depends on the defense. They use him about 3-5 times a game as a designed runner, often sprinkle in a few rollout plays (with a pulling guard to escort, a drag route by the TE and the option to take off if needed). He usually works in about 4-5 unplanned scrambles per game, at least two of which the defender has him wrapped up in the backfield as a starting point.
Defensive line- Arkansas brings an experienced O-line into the Sugar Bowl. Our starting five have played the entire season together and are a strength of the team. DeMarcus Love is perhaps our best tackle and is expected to be among the top tackles taken in the NFL Draft (if there's a season!). How do the Buckeyes look on the defensive front. If memory serves, tOSU always has a big and physical front four.
Cameron Heyward is a very talented 3-4 style DE. Some have compared him to Tyson Alualu from Cal. I'm not sure if he's quite that explosive, but the style of play is similar. Gets by on athleticism and brute strength over technique.

Rush End Nathan Williams is a versatile hybrid who can get to the quarterback, drop into coverage and defend the perimeter with his range.

DT John Simon is another guy they move around the formation. With his strength, quickness & motor, he is the most disruptive member of OSU's front 4.

DT Dexter Larimore is very strong against the run, can occupy blockers to let others make plays, can collapse the pocket but isn't overly athletic. Blue collar guy.

DT John Hankins is a true freshman who tips the scales north of 330. An absolute mountain with rare athleticism. He won't be able to keep up if you get past his initial pursuit, but he can be disruptive in spurts.

Behind them are three solid if unspectacular DL.
Secondary- How experienced is the tOSU secondary? Arkansas may have the best wide receiver corps you will have faced all year. The reason I ask is that Arkansas has improved its running game as of late, however, earlier in the year if the passing game struggled the offense stalled. Do you feel your secondary is a strength?
Chekwa is a 3 year starter / senior (the 4th year he was the 3rd corner).
Torrence is a 2 year starter / senior.
Hines is a 3 year starter / senior.

The weak link is Orhian Johnson, 1st year starter / rs sophomore. See this link for a longer breakdown on OJ and the secondary as a whole:
Special Teams- If you have seen any footage of Arkansas then you know that kick coverage has been a weakness. LSU consistently had great field position due to our poor coverage on kick offs. How does tOSU look in the return game? Do you feel this is a strength?
jwinslow;1829089; said:
Some film on the two strong return men, Jordan Hall 7 & Jaamal Berry 4

3:03, 5:20, 8:20, 13:33 minute marks (yes this game also shows how bad OSU was in kick coverage before Bell returned)


1:34 mark


and now the best OSU video editor out there (and as good as any I've seen)

2:00 mark


another view, 1:52


These two do not have Ted Ginn's speed, but their balance and agility makes them very dangerous with the ball in their hands. Jordan Hall is also the #2 RB. Brandon Saine is listed at #2, but he is more of an ATH they move around the offense. Mismatch at WR & dangerous in motion, but not a very effective downhill runner.
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It's great to see so many knowledgeable Hog fans visiting BP. Best group of visiting fans since Texas.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Jer'male Hines, I think he will play a large role in stopping Arky's passing attack. For our visitors, Hines is our senior safety and the keystone to the secondary. Started the season at FS after playing nickel back last year, but has moved around some due to injuries at other positions. Very athletic with a high football IQ. Not top shelf cover abilities, but covers a lot of ground and breaks up a lot of passes with well timed hits. A sure tackler who can make big plays in run support. With a lack of experience and revolving cast of characters at the other safety spots, Hines has been tasked with directing traffic in the secondary, and staying in position to make up for missed assignments. Once in a while, he gets up to make plays in the backfield. There are times (like vs. Michigan this year) when he seems to be everywhere on the field.

I'm guessing that OSU will run a nickel look for most of the game. The CBs (Chekwa and Torrence) are solid enough to leave on their own most of the time. Neither are world-beaters, but stick close enough to their man to require a well placed pass. That can be enough to spook some QBs, but Mallett should be confident enough to take some shots. Still, I think he will be looking over the middle for mismatches. In addition to Hines, the other safeties could be any combination of Orhian Johnson, Arron Gant, Travis Howard, or Christian Bryant (I can't remember if Oliver or Wood are injured). All bring similar mixtures of inexperience and raw talent. OJ (likely starter) has improved, but can still look lost on some plays. Bryant looked like a natural until sidelined with a foot infection, if he plays it will be his first action since mid-season. Whoever plays, it will be up to Hines to keep everyone on the same page. I'm thinking the coaches may want him to mostly play center fielder to prevent blown assignments from turning in to big plays.

Expect OSU to play comically conservative pass D for the first 2-3 Arky drives, complete with 10+ yd cushions on the wide outs, and only rushing the DL. If Arky comes out passing, they will probably feast on 5-7 yd under routes till they near the red zone. The defensive coaches have no problem with that, they are sizing up the scheme and planning adjustments. Things tighten up once the end-zone is in range. OSU will run some deceptive zone schemes, often dropping DEs in to coverage, and they are not just big pylons back there. All our DEs and LBs are athletic and can make plays on the ball. Once the over-the-top threat is negated, the coverage will tighten, and the quick hit routes will not be as open. OSU will be content if they can limit Arky to FGs in the early going.

If Arky wants to keep the ball on the ground, OSU will have to stop it with their base D to keep the coverage honest. Giving up 1st downs on runs will spell trouble for the D, as it will open up the play-action. In order to run on The Buckeyes, Arky will need to get blockers on LBs Brian Rolle and Ross Homan, both will make stops if they are free. OSU can usually contain the run without committing safeties to the box. The entire D plays run support very well, including the CBs, who are sure tacklers. OSU wants to force 3rd and 4+, and keep a predictable pattern of running and passing downs. If the Hogs can get in rhythm and can keep the Buckeye D guessing, there will be some holes to exploit. The defense is very resilient, though. With the exception of the safeties, this is a very experienced group, and several players have shown the ability to make big plays to kill drives.

All in all, this will be a good test for The Buckeye D. I expect Arky will move the ball pretty well between the 20s for much of the game. Keeping Arky out of the end-zone will be key. OSU's m.o. is to contain for the early going, and attack as the game progresses. keeping the score close should benefit OSU, as it will limit the number of risks taken on D, and hopefully force Mallett to force some plays in crunch time. If Arky takes an early lead, the D will have to stiffen up and try to keep their offense on the sideline, or else it will be a long night. Should be a tight, exciting game.
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Strengths and Weaknesses

For Arkansas:

Greatest Strength: Balance. We've gotten to the point where we can run, pass short, or pass deep pretty much any time we need it. We've used our balance to really keep defenses guessing and when Petrino has a balanced offense he's proven to be one of the best play callers in the college game.

Weakness: Penalties. We've had way too many false start penalties that have really killed our drives. Hoping we can get these worked out before the game.

Strength: Defensive Line. I really like our defensive line, we've got decent depth, even if some of it is young. We've proven that we can be disruptive against both the run and the pass. Jake Bequette is one of the most clutch guys I've seen on an Arkansas defense in quite a while. He has a knack for coming through and getting a sack when we need it most.

Questionable: Linebackers. Our linebacker group leaves me a little confused. Some games they look great and others you can tell they aren't quite sure what they are doing. Hopefully the Sugar Bowl is a good game for this group.

Weakness: Defensive Backs. Though they're much improved over the previous two years, we still get caught not paying attention to the ball and getting burned deep or getting hit with a big pass interference penalty. We'll need these guys to mature and step up if we want to slow down the Buckeye offense.

Special Teams:
Strength: Punt return and placekicking. Joe Adams can be electric when he gets the chance to return one. Zach Hocker is our freshman kicker and has been a blessing for us this year. He's missed a few late in the year, but has been "money" for the most part.

Weakness: Kickoff coverage. We've given up several big returns. Luckily, our defense has managed to step up most of the time and limit teams to a field goal after these huge returns, at least lately. We've tried several different combinations of guys on the coverage team and just haven't found the right mixture yet. They've got to become more disciplined and stay in their lanes and make tackles.

That's how I view the strengths and weaknesses of each of our units, I'm sure some hog fans will have different opinions. What do Buckeye fans think about their team? What are you most confident about, and what are you worried might be suspect?
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HogFan77;1829509; said:
For Arkansas:

Greatest Strength: Balance. We've gotten to the point where we can run, pass short, or pass deep pretty much any time we need it. We've used our balance to really keep defenses guessing and when Petrino has a balanced offense he's proven to be one of the best play callers in the college game.

Weakness: Penalties. We've had way too many false start penalties that have really killed our drives. Hoping we can get these worked out before the game.

Strength: Defensive Line. I really like our defensive line, we've got decent depth, even if some of it is young. We've proven that we can be disruptive against both the run and the pass. Jake Bequette is one of the most clutch guys I've seen on an Arkansas defense in quite a while. He has a knack for coming through and getting a sack when we need it most.

Questionable: Linebackers. Our linebacker group leaves me a little confused. Some games they look great and others you can tell they aren't quite sure what they are doing. Hopefully the Sugar Bowl is a good game for this group.

Weakness: Defensive Backs. Though they're much improved over the previous two years, we still get caught not paying attention to the ball and getting burned deep or getting hit with a big pass interference penalty. We'll need these guys to mature and step up if we want to slow down the Buckeye offense.

Special Teams:
Strength: Punt return and placekicking. Joe Adams can be electric when he gets the chance to return one. Zach Hocker is our freshman kicker and has been a blessing for us this year. He's missed a few late in the year, but has been "money" for the most part.

Weakness: Kickoff coverage. We've given up several big returns. Luckily, our defense has managed to step up most of the time and limit teams to a field goal after these huge returns, at least lately. We've tried several different combinations of guys on the coverage team and just haven't found the right mixture yet. They've got to become more disciplined and stay in their lanes and make tackles.

That's how I view the strengths and weaknesses of each of our units, I'm sure some hog fans will have different opinions. What do Buckeye fans think about their team? What are you most confident about, and what are you worried might be suspect?
I think that's a pretty accurate assessment. I would like to add that I don't feel like Joe has been the same at PR since he got injured in whatever game that was late in the season. Hopefully that will change after a month of rest.

I also feel that our PR coverage is very well and that our KR is a weakness.
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SmoovP;1829453; said:
What do Y'a...You guys think about Terrelle Pryor's pro prospects?

Will he go to the league as a QB? Does he have the arm to make it as a pro QB, or will they try and move him to H-back or receiver?

And, does he have the mental makeup (work ethic, attitude, etc.) to make it as a pro?

Is he done after this year, or will he come back for his Sr Season?

If people wanted him to play like Michael Vick when he played his first years in the NFL, he's good to go. If people want him to play like Michael Vick now.....he still needs work.
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Reading through this thread I have seen that tOSU excels in red zone defense so, once again, this looks to be a great matchup.
Conversely, OSU's red zone offense left a lot to be desired, at least in the first half of the season. I'm not sure what the numbers were down the stretch as they greatly improved overall (thanks to shifting the offensive identity to the running game), but I'm guessing it still was not great statistically.
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PiggyBack;1829588; said:
One area of strength for the Hogs is red zone offense. Thus far, AR has scored 42 out of 46 trips to the red zone with 33 of those being touchdowns.


Reading through this thread I have seen that tOSU excels in red zone defense so, once again, this looks to be a great matchup.

Ohio State is almost a guaranteed 3 points in the red zone, but touchdowns are a little harder to come by. Definitely improved from 2009, but Tressel is still going to play to put points on the board. That's one of the reasons the Oregon score from last season wasn't as bad as it could have been if drives could have been sustained in the red zone.
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It is refreshing to come read thru all of the posts on here for the bowl game. I have a friend who grew up in Arkansas and moved here for about 10 years. He has moved on to texas and is still a Razorback and Buckeye fan. I tried to talk football and gamplans and such with members of his family and friends from Arkansas on FB and they seem so short sighted about matchups. Only one guy even mentioned how he thought they would win the game. Stating that Mallett would be able to pass all over the field whether we were in single coverage or if we tried to double a reciever or two. I think that thinking is extrememly flawed and I told him that. EVERY other person said that they would win because of the difference in schedules and that OSU hasn't played anyone worth two shakes of a hog's penis. When I went and did the research, defensively the average teams we played ranked similarly. Ark schedule averaged the 54th ranked D, OSU 63rd. Arkansas has the 43rd ranked scoring D and OSU is 3rd. So to say that the Arkansas D is equally ranked to State Penn isnt a stretch and Saying OSU is equal to Bama isnt a stretch either. I also averaged out scoring against teams ranked in the top 55 of scoring D and Ark averaged 34 OSU 25. I averaged those two scores for each team and figured that it was a fair cross section. OSU 31 ARK 27.

After all that work and asking them how they expected to slow down our offense (with no response), they came back with the common SEC response. This is word for word

"I really hope that OSU thinks we are like the mediocre teams in your conference. It explains why OSU has never beaten an SEC team because of course your conference is by far the best. Hey you have 3 teams in the top ten, They dont play each other.... but hey they are there by god.... Don't get me wrong OSU is a very good team but they are no better than LSU, BAMA or AUB. It's going to be a great game but OSU WILL BE SHOCKED BY OUR SPEED AN ATHLETICISM. Arkansas by 10"

I told them that this isn't intellegent FOOTBALL talk regarding matchups and schemes. I gracefully removed myself from SEC land and figured that I would find the same here, but thankfully I was wrong. Welcome Arkansas fans and here's to a great game on Jan 4.
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NateG;1829635; said:
It is refreshing to come read thru all of the posts on here for the bowl game. I have a friend who grew up in Arkansas and moved here for about 10 years. He has moved on to texas and is still a Razorback and Buckeye fan. I tried to talk football and gamplans and such with members of his family and friends from Arkansas on FB and they seem so short sighted about matchups. Only one guy even mentioned how he thought they would win the game. Stating that Mallett would be able to pass all over the field whether we were in single coverage or if we tried to double a reciever or two. I think that thinking is extrememly flawed and I told him that. EVERY other person said that they would win because of the difference in schedules and that OSU hasn't played anyone worth two shakes of a hog's penis. When I went and did the research, defensively the average teams we played ranked similarly. Ark schedule averaged the 54th ranked D, OSU 63rd. Arkansas has the 43rd ranked scoring D and OSU is 3rd. So to say that the Arkansas D is equally ranked to State Penn isnt a stretch and Saying OSU is equal to Bama isnt a stretch either. I also averaged out scoring against teams ranked in the top 55 of scoring D and Ark averaged 34 OSU 25. I averaged those two scores for each team and figured that it was a fair cross section. OSU 31 ARK 27.

After all that work and asking them how they expected to slow down our offense (with no response), they came back with the common SEC response. This is word for word

"I really hope that OSU thinks we are like the mediocre teams in your conference. It explains why OSU has never beaten an SEC team because of course your conference is by far the best. Hey you have 3 teams in the top ten, They dont play each other.... but hey they are there by god.... Don't get me wrong OSU is a very good team but they are no better than LSU, BAMA or AUB. It's going to be a great game but OSU WILL BE SHOCKED BY OUR SPEED AN ATHLETICISM. Arkansas by 10"

I told them that this isn't intellegent FOOTBALL talk regarding matchups and schemes. I gracefully removed myself from SEC land and figured that I would find the same here, but thankfully I was wrong. Welcome Arkansas fans and here's to a great game on Jan 4.

Every fanbase has got fans like this. Complete homers. This seems to be a great matchup of two very talented and well coached teams. My two main concerns going into this game are:

Pryor-AR has had major problems containing QB's that can run/improvise. Pryor is as gifted of an athlete as AR has faced in a long time.

Experience-tOSU has been to how many BCS games in the past 10 years? This is our first. I'm concerned that "once the lights come on" that tOSU will be more focused while the Hogs my have a case of the jitters.

These two teams are as evenly matched as any two teams in the BCS. In fact, I think this year's Sugar Bowl will be the best bowl game of the season.
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Re: Arkansas Offense Red Zone performance as against Ohio State's Offensive Red Zone performance:

Arkansas has scored 256 points on 46 trips inside the 20 for an average of 5.57 per RZ possession.

Ohio State has scored 322 points on 63 trips inside the 20 for an avergae of 5.11 per RZ possession.

Ohio State also suffered 5 or 6 red zone turnovers (1 fumble, and 4 or 5 picks) which have seriously hurt Ohio State's numbers on this metric. Had Ohio State scored TDs and earned the PAT, they could have scored 5.78 per (assuming 6 red zone turnovers). Even had they settled for 3, they would have been better at 5.40. (Edit: "better" was not meant to say "better than Arkansas" as 5.40 is below Ark's performance).

As I learned and posted in another thread - fortunately those RZ turnovers never cost Ohio State a game as all the RZ TOs occurred in blow outs.
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