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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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MaxBuck;1829278; said:
Four (4) - see below.

Marshall (1): blocked FG for TD
Miami (2): KO return and punt return, both for TD
Ohio (0): Yay!!!!!
EMU (0): Yay!!!!
Illinois (0): Yay!!!!
Wisconsin (1): KO return for TD
Purdue (0): Purdue didn't score at all. Figure this one out yourself.
Against Iowa, Minnesota, Penn State and Michigan we seemed to have figured something out. No return TDs against us.

FOR the Buckeyes (special teams only)
Minnesota (1): blocked punt for TD
Michigan (1): KO return for TD

Later in the season our performance improved.

Remember, too, that we kick off a whole lot more than our opponents do.

Thank you Max!
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Coqui;1829275; said:
But when Ohio State players run a 4.5 we're considered slow.
A receiver/corner/safety and those positions a 4.5 is slow. Mitchell is the same
Build as Pryor. I'm sure Pryor not running a 4.2 didn't stop OSU from giving him a scholarship, same for Brandon Mitchell. I highly doubt teams in America recruit a QB based on speed.
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Fratteries;1829272; said:
Mitchell runs a 4.5 so he isn't terribly slow.
It's only 0.2 slower than Pryor. I'll leave it to you as to how big that difference is.

And no, this is neither a joke nor exaggeration. I don't think speed is the biggest determinant of a QB's effectiveness by any means, but you really just have no idea how fast this kid really is.
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MaxBuck;1829290; said:
It's only 0.2 slower than Pryor. I'll leave it to you as to how big that difference is.

And no, this is neither a joke nor exaggeration. I don't think speed is the biggest determinant of a QB's effectiveness by any means, but you really just have no idea how fast this kid really is.

Oh I believe he is fast dont get me wrong. I'm just saying I'm glad we have someone in our system who can simulate him in a way who is actually a QB. We will be one of the most athletic teams you've seen this year at each position so it should be fun seeing how that helps us if it even does at all
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MaxBuck;1829290; said:
It's only 0.2 slower than Pryor. I'll leave it to you as to how big that difference is.

And no, this is neither a joke nor exaggeration. I don't think speed is the biggest determinant of a QB's effectiveness by any means, but you really just have no idea how fast this kid really is.

We used to have a QB sort of like that. Matt Jones. Not much of an arm though. Smoked his way out of the NFL as a receiver.

6'6", better than 4.4 on a good day, swivels for hips. Nobody ever got a clean shot on him.

Deceptively fast. We would watch fast guys in the secondary consistently take bad angles and watch Matt blow by them.

He was fun to watch, but frustrating. No discipline or work ethic. Got by on natural ability.
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Fratteries;1829058; said:
I have a couple questions also! How well does your Greek life travel? I know at least 80 guys in my fraternity are making the trip as is every other one of our fraternities. I know your fans travel VERY well so I'm sure your Greeks do too.
20-30 guys in my frat are making the trek down to NOLA for the game.
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Coqui;1829291; said:
4-2-5 with one of the secondary being a Star LB who is built and designed for stopping both the run and pass.

Basically our answer to the spread.

But against power, yeah, I'd say 4-3
osu uses a versatile rush end they call the leo position. Will Smith, Vernon Gholston, Thaddeus Gibson and now Nathan Williams. He willput his hand in the dirt, stand up as a rush end, shift where he lines up, etc.

Dt John Simon is a versatile, disruptive, body builder (he did 54 reps of 225 in hs) that will line up inside and outside. Cameron Heyward can slide down as well.

In many people's eyes, their best defender was tyler moeller who was lost for a third comsecutive year to injury. He played the star position, a hybrid safety and lb blend. As noted, he subbed in for the 3rd lb against spread sets, and against many teams that is their base d.

His replacement, true frosh Christian Bryant out of Glenville (Whitner, Ginn, Troy Smith, etc) was playing very well but was lost for half a season due to a staph infection. He should be back for the bowl.

One big problem against wisconsin (though multi year starters and standouts like homan, rolle and heyward weren't themselves either) was new safety orhian johnson. He replaced cj barnett in mid sep when cj was lost for the year due to injury. OJ has always had the talent, but they were streaky flashes of talent with breakdowns sprinkled in. this held true when he was forced into a starting role.

He has come along quite a bit from when he first took over. He is still the weak link in the secondary but a lot less frequently these days.
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