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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Rocky Top....hands down, the most annoying of all cheers/ fight songs.

I have been told that at one time UT had a cheer where the announcer would say "Smoky's Growl!" and all of the fans would reply by growling.
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friar tusk;1829183; said:

There are way to many weeks between the last game of the season and the bowl game and in that time I would like to learn more about the buckeyes. I must say I don't know much about the buckeyes except what I see from seeing a few of your games this year.

So I have a lot to learn. I hope this will be a good place for discussion.

One thing I would like to know about is your QB. I remember TP's recruitment and he was going to be the next big thing (like cam newton but less well paid). It seems to me he has been up and down. Big games and then bad interceptions. What is the book on him?

I have heard the comentators talk up your D. Arkansas has faced some good D this year. How would you say you stack up to bama or LSU on that front?
I think muffler has addressed the whole thing with Terrelle Pryor as well as anyone could.

As for our defense relative to the very best SEC defenses, I honestly think that we're nowhere near as strong up front as Bama or LSU, but our defensive backs will be as good as you've seen all season. JMO, of course.

By the way, strong poster name in "friar tusk." Hog posters pick outstanding monikers.
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Hello from Fayetteville and Good Luck!

Looking forward to the game and also to following along on BP to see how your prep and expectations are coming along. It should be a classic football game with 2 great coaches and 2 great teams.

Have always been a closet Buckeyes fan, dating back to Hayes and Griffin's day. It is kind of nice going into the game with really no history between our two programs and the knowledge that both teams have a chance to win. It is going to be a long month as we await the game!

My biggest concern for the game is containing your QB. We have had some experience with athletic QB's over the past 3 years . . . some good, some not so good. What are some of your concerns as you prepare to face the Hogs?

Again, here's to a game for the ages!
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MaxBuck;1829205; said:
By the way, strong poster name in "friar tusk." Hog posters pick outstanding monikers.

Thanks. It seems to be a point of pride to get some sort of cultural reference with something pig related. We work at it:)

LSU has the best secondary we have seen. Very fast and skilled. Have you seen much of them? Would you say that OSU is at that level?

On the other side, How are your WR's. TP gets all the press for the O but I don't think that the winning gameplan for OSU is run all day. TP will have to be at least somewhat effective at passing to win. Our D-line is solid and deep but our CB's could use some help sometimes. So how are your WR's?
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HogFan77;1829133; said:
We'll probably use Brandon Mitchell on our scout team to imitate Pryor. He's 6'4" and around 230 pounds. Was listed as 4.5 in the 40 yard dash coming out of high school. A lot of folks here in Arkansas think he'll take over when Mallett leaves. He hasn't shown himself to be incredibly accurate in practice, but he does have a big arm and nice size and speed. He's obviously not going to be anywhere close to actually being Pryor, but it gives us something to work with.
I've seen Mitchell practice quite a few times, and while he's not rated anywhere close to as high as Pryor was out of HS, he has a very similar skill set. He was actually committed to play bball at LSU before Brady was fired and then Petrino talked him into playing football instead. That's the main reason he wasn't evaluated very highly in football...everyone was expecting him to play bball. I'm not saying he's as good as Pryor by any means, but I think he'll do a very good job simulating Pryor as our scout team QB.
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MaxBuck;1829205; said:
I think muffler has addressed the whole thing with Terrelle Pryor as well as anyone could.

As for our defense relative to the very best SEC defenses, I honestly think that we're nowhere near as strong up front as Bama or LSU, but our defensive backs will be as good as you've seen all season. JMO, of course.

By the way, strong poster name in "friar tusk." Hog posters pick outstanding monikers.
Will you guys have to blitz to get pressure on our QB & leave your CBs in single coverage? Do you blitz often? I know you have a great defense but just curious as to what style you play. I havent got the chance to watch you guys play much this year.
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Greetings Buckeye Fans

Greetings from Arkansas! I am looking forward a great matchup between our two programs.

There are many potential commentaries about the Sugar Bowl and I would like to hear your take on a few.

Pryor- Arkansas has had difficulty stopping mobile QB's. Cam Newton ran all over us and, quite frankly, this is my major area of concern. Pryor was listed as a preseason Heisman favorite for a reason. My question is this: Does tOSU have specific rushing play calls for Pryor (designed runs) or do most of his carries come from his own improvisation and freakish athleticism?

Defensive line- Arkansas brings an experienced O-line into the Sugar Bowl. Our starting five have played the entire season together and are a strength of the team. DeMarcus Love is perhaps our best tackle and is expected to be among the top tackles taken in the NFL Draft (if there's a season!). How do the Buckeyes look on the defensive front. If memory serves, tOSU always has a big and physical front four.

Secondary- How experienced is the tOSU secondary? Arkansas may have the best wide receiver corps you will have faced all year. The reason I ask is that Arkansas has improved its running game as of late, however, earlier in the year if the passing game struggled the offense stalled. Do you feel your secondary is a strength?

Special Teams- If you have seen any footage of Arkansas then you know that kick coverage has been a weakness. LSU consistently had great field position due to our poor coverage on kick offs. How does tOSU look in the return game? Do you feel this is a strength?

These aren't all the questions I have but I feel it's a good place to start. As I said earlier, I am looking forward to seeing our teams face off. It should be the best of the bowl games!
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