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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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quick thought on attendance.

I've seen both of these teams travel down here for games.

Arky, every other regular season.
tOSU for the '07 national championship game.

of our annual opponents, Arky is one of the least attended games on our slate.
part of that is distance for a regular season game, part of it is being played on day after thanksgiving (until last year). and another part of it is that their season is usually hopelessly over by the time our game rolls around.

tOSU is the only team I've seen give LSU a serious challenge in filling the Dome.

Definitely more Buckeye fans than Oklahoma fans in '03.
Notre Dame for '06 Sugar can't compete either.

If the Buckeyes can come that close to half the Dome against LSU, I'm confident they can top that against the piggies.
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WildHog;1829919; said:
Just heard from a Buckeye friend that tOSU hasn't sold their allotment of 17,500 through the tOSU ticket office.

Hope to see lot's of Buckeye fans in Nawlins, gonna be some great fun in the Quarter.

I keep hearing stuff like this......... Our allotment hasnt been offered up yet unless im mistaken... Dont worry we will be there
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It was my understanding that Tickets sales to the general public start tomorrow, donors and boosters have already had their shot at Tix.
I suppose I received some skewed info.
I know that many Hog fans will be waiting with baited breath to call the tOSU ticket office tomorrow to get tix
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bassbuckeye07;1830029; said:
I keep hearing stuff like this......... Our allotment hasnt been offered up yet unless im mistaken... Dont worry we will be there

Tickets for donors are already on sale and will be available until 11:59 tonight. Faculty/Staff tickets are on sale Dec 8-9th. Student tickets are on sale Dec 10-11th. General public tickets go on sale tomorrow. Since faculty sales are at the same time as the public sales and student sales are later, I assume they have set allotments and whatever is left over from the donors is what will go on sale to the general public.

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zincfinger;1829949; said:
With the caveat that I probably haven't watched five minutes of Arkansas football this year...

I was looking at the statistical comparison between OSU and Arkansas on The O-zone, and I was struck by the fact that, while OSU had significantly better defensive stats in virtually every category, there was one notable exception. The two teams are virtually identical in 3rd down conversion defense. It makes me wonder if Arkansas's defense was generally very solid for about 90% of the snaps, but vulnerable to the occasional big play. I'd be interested to see a statistical comparison of plays given up over 20 yards, over 30 yards, etc.

Ask and you shall receive.

Ohio State Defense

plays of 20-29 yards 20
plays of 30-39 yards 7 (4 by Minnesota)
plays of 40-42 yards 2
plays over 42 yards ZERO

Arkansas Defense

plays of 20-29 yards 20
plays of 30-39 yards 8
plays of 40-49 yards 5
plays of 50-59 yards 5
plays of 60-69 yards 2
plays over 69 yards ZERO

Note that the ULM game for Arkansas is not included in these stats as I could not find a drive chart for the game.

Offensively Arkansas has 71 plays over 20 yards for the season while Ohio State has given up 29. Something has to give here.
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long story short, this should be a good ball game. coach h, our d-cor has a long history of bend but dont break as many see it. ive seen a lot of hogs football this year as ive come to enjoy their playing style. both teams have a lot to exploit of each others game (i questions the hogs defense and their physical nature-look to booms running game [and a tp who they likely will expose to more hits by allowing him to run, scramble etc]) while looking to ohio states dline which is good, but not deep imo, alone with a depleted group of safeties.

should be fun, should be enjoyable. best of luck to both teams and a healthy game with no injuries. i will continue though to probe for the major key to this game as i watch hundreds of hours of tape....
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Fratteries;1829963; said:
Luckily for Arkansas some of those games are from 1930 and the Houston nutt era who is always terrible in bowl games. Luckily we have a new coach who knows how to win. So I'm not worried about our loses from 1920 and with Nutt.

The point wasn't to say Arkansas has no chance...the point was talking about:

How stupid saying the 0-fer against the conference is in the first place.
How media is attempting to sway things in one direction (also stupid)
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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1829780; said:
I just got the game day menu for the OSU football team and it is as follows:
2lbs of bacon per player
1 ham steak per player
rack of spare ribs
honey glazed ham
ham hocks
pork chops
Here piggy piggy piggy!

Hogwash... that can't be true. Seems light on the bacon.
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WildHog;1829907; said:
Good analysis...
But I might add some intangables:

40K Hog fans calling the Hogs in the Dome..Advantage Hogs
6 game winning streak, 3 games against top 25 opponents..Advantage Hogs
tOSU BCS game experience..Advantage..tOSU

All in all the game is evenly matched, throw out all the stats and wishful thinking. This game will come down to game day preparation and execution!

I think we have a shot!

So does Zook.
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Nutriaitch;1830025; said:
and another part of it is that their season is usually hopelessly over by the time our game rolls around.

We've beaten you three out of the last four games...so how over was our season? Maybe it was you guys who THOUGHT the season was over just because you had played Bama.
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