Buckeyegrad: My response is going to be long-winded. Bear with me. Onto your comments: "If you are going to criticize the acting, take a look at the first three. Except for a few actors, most of the acting is sub-par."
The acting in the original Star Wars Trilogy may be sub-par, but the acting in the new movies is BAD! And, acting isn't the only aspect of a movie that makes it good or bad: there's dialogue, plot, intriguing characters, screenplay, etc. Most of which are awful in 'Clones.' Although Star Wars had 'sub-par' acting, as you say, it obviously excelled in many of the other areas, considering it is the biggest movie of all time.
"If you are going to criticize the scenes, well it is the exact same scenes from the first one being retold in different environments (chase through city=speeder bike chase; city bar=cantina; etc.)."
The scenes in the first triology broke ground: no one had ever seen them before. Its almost expected that each movie do something new and great, not re-hash old stuff, and that's why the new movies fall short. Star Wars was ground-breaking, Attack of the Clones broke wind.
"What is there left to criticize Episode II? I'm telling you, the movies have not changed, our perspectives have."
Wrong, A great movie is a great movie. Show a 12 year old (who has no interest in the new SW movies) Star Wars right now, and he'd love it. Most of the SW geeks nowadays are younger kids who love the old movies, not people like us who grew up with the movies when they were coming out. These new movies will never have a following like that ten years from now.
"the movie retains its mass appeal because of the story"
Mass appeal??? Its a Star Wars movie and was out of the theater in a month! That's unheard of!!
BG, know this: I am in no means a Star Wars geek, but I LOVE the old movies. I grew up with them, I've seen them 1,000 times, and it was my favorite toy as a child. These movies suck. Lucas is an awful director (Kershner and Marquand directed Empire and Jedi), and a worse writer (Lawrence Kasdan wrote Empire and Jedi). He has no business being the be-all, end-all in these movies.
And if you'd like to get into the inconsistencies in these movies compared with the back-references in the first three, I'm game for that too. How bout this one? In SW, "the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force." But yet, in these new movies (mostly b/c Lucas couldn't come up with anything else), some Jedi were surrounded and KILLED by an army of shitty robots?? Are you kidding me? That 'threat' should've been polished off in two seconds.
And 'Clones' also contains the worst line by far of any of the 5 movies so far: "Sand is coarse, and gets everywhere. Its not smooth like you."