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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Just like the Texas game in 2005

Ohio State loses the game more than USC wins it

didnt put them away when the chance was there

how do you not QB sneak at the goalline? its pretty much a garunteed TD, instead you try to pull the guard?

settling for field goals once again loses a game

sorry but I dont believe in "moral victories", they controlled that game and should had won

im going to take some time to cool down to avoid saying something that gets me banned
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buckeyboy;1539905; said:
I don't know why the offense stuggles year in year out. Yes, they are young but that is not an excuse. USC has a lot of young players on offense and they get the job done when they needed to. When you get the ball at the USC 45, there is absolutely no excuse to not get at least a FG. No excuse.

I don't know...to me, it looked like TP just never got in any sort of rythym. He looked unsettled all night long. And we go as the QB goes. Bummer for the Defense who just looked so tough tonight. But once this offense settles down, things will look brighter. As bad as our offense looked, we still led this game til a minute left. Moral victories suck but we were in it! We proved that we can hang with the best of them just like TX last year.
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A couple things:

1) When you are on the 2 or 1 yard line, haven't we heard of the QB sneak.

2) JT's decision not to rung the clock out before the half bit us in the ass.

3) I am not into moral victories, but the Bucks played great most of the game. The good TP will learn from this and we as a team will be better for it.

4) OSU proved we can play with anyone. Mark May and his "USC will beat OSU by 21+ can stuff it....

5) I am proud of the Bucks as they could have packed it in after the early USC TD.
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Once Ohio State got the 15-10 lead and was stopping Usc it seemed they got to comfortable with that lead. And my mind will always wander to the first int and when Jt kicked the field goal instead of going for it but what can you do.
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