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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Terrelle is still at the hotel, tough night for him. He really needed to step up, tonight just wasn't his night. Great game for the Bucks, just couldn't get it done on Offense when we needed too. GOD DAMN IT.

Seriously, two fucking field goals when we should have goddamn had 14. God damn it all, I wanna die.
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To be completely frank, I expected us to lose this game big. This is a young team that's gonna get better with a fantastic defense. Unfortunately, the offense has a very long way to go. So sloppy, just plum bad at times. The lack of execution cost them this game and that makes it hurt even worse.
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3074326;1539852; said:
Another game lost due to lack of execution. I swear to God if I see someone blame the current situation on the playcalling I will ding them for the rest of their [censored]ing lives.

Execution does not happen by itself.

Whether it is playcalling or execution, both are the responsibility of one person - spelled H E A D C O A C H.

People with above average IQs figure out what plays are working well and what plays aren't and call the ones that work while minimizing the others.

But then again, denial has its advantages.
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