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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Honestly, some questions need to be answered.

TP looked like he completely regressed tonight. That was evident at the end of the game. The offense looked like a middle school offense out there that couldn't get out of it's own way.

Have they ever run the two minute drill in practice?

The D played out of this world tonight. Heyward is a MAN!

It's going to be something to see if Ohio State can ever get an offense to go with their defense.

What a shame.
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BuckIStallion;1539895; said:
Execution does not happen by itself.

Whether it is playcalling or execution, both are the responsibility of one person - spelled H E A D C O A C H.

People with above average IQs figure out what plays are working well and what plays aren't and call the ones that work while minimizing the others.

But then again, denial has its advantages.

I'm going to be blunt. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.
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This has nothing to do with these players or coaches, but Ohio State is just plain jinxed and has been since 1969. It transcends any individual coach or team. 2002 was simply an aberration to tease us rather than any fundamental change of fortune.

I'm seriously wondering whether Woody sold his (and the program's) soul to the devil for that '68 NC.
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K this may be my final post on the board, but oh well. USC had no business winnin this game. They had 1 drive the entire game, and we still cant beat em. I really dont know if tress knows how to use an athlete like TP. I do know that if someone doesnt start running the offense that knows how to run an offense, this is just gonna keep repeating itself. Dont know what some of you guys are watching, but it is definitely a different thing than i am watching.
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This is a game that we were supposed to lose ... and we lost. No shame there. Too bad that we had to give them ten points....

Lots of good to build on - offensive line, defense, special teams. Still need a stud running back, Pryor needs to mature (he's still played only 15 games in college), and the offense needs to turn threes into sevens. Next year, folks, next year....
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I don't know why the offense stuggles year in year out. Yes, they are young but that is not an excuse. USC has a lot of young players on offense and they get the job done when they needed to. When you get the ball at the USC 45, there is absolutely no excuse to not get at least a FG. No excuse.
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Basebuck;1539843; said:
Our offense :(

Its true. Our offense had the ball in good field position many times to night. Pryor played poorly for the fast majority of the game. First quarter wasnt too bad other than that touchdown he spotted them at the beginning but the rest of the game is not what I had hoped.

In our house.......
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Pryor is not good enough to win those games yet, this is not a bash at all he just looks uncomfortable most of the time. Its a moral victory for us but still not what i wanted came close hopefully Pryor can start to develop around his talent and learn to be a big time qb. Lets hope so.
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BuckIStallion;1539895; said:
Execution does not happen by itself.

Whether it is playcalling or execution, both are the responsibility of one person - spelled H E A D C O A C H.

People with above average IQs figure out what plays are working well and what plays aren't and call the ones that work while minimizing the others.

But then again, denial has its advantages.

THE HEADCOACH wasn't the one out on the field

The HEADCOACH wasn't the one that was trying to block or tackle or catch the ball or do the hand offs....

All the HEADCOACH can do is put his players in the best situation possible.

JT absolutely did that. I CHALLENGE YOU to find another coach that would have done better and you will not.
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It's not play calling:
When we execute the playbook opens up wider. AFter not before.

We still got nothing up the middle, and we don't use Terrelle's legs enough.

The rest was simply a bad game for Terrelle. Pass protection was there.

We can be very proud of our program.
Our D line was awesome, yes awesome, and they were one drive , really one play at 3rd and 19 away from greatness. But hand it to the offensive schemers for USC they play great in big games.

I'm wearing my new jersey to work monday and fu&%%K the haters.
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