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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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sparcboxbuck;1539120; said:
I don't think that there is much panic. We've held SC well. A few 3 and outs... Just need to keep things in perspective. Our guys are in fine shape. Need to just get after 'em in the first series in the second half.

All is fine.


I'd like to see Saine on a few plays in the second half. This game is under control, our guys are doing great

Where's the X factor?
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Now we see where they are as a program. For a long time, JT was one of the best at making halftime adjustments, he excelled at it. That's one area that has lagged in recent years. USC is picking up some steam, so they're gonna have to make some adjustments. Now's the time for some of that Tressel magic we got used to for the first 5-6 years of his time here. I like the strategy, got to work on the execution.

Carroll will adjust, Tressel must answer.

I'm nervous, recent trials and tribulations have me less confident than I'd like, but I always have hope.
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Tresselbeliever;1539126; said:
Petey started to let Barkley throw the ball after the run game had been established. SC's running game was stifled in the beginning but they stuck with it. The Bucks have to do the same. Pryor absolutely can not drop back on 2/3 of the downs and look downfield to pass. We had a few high percentage plays involving roll outs that worked out earlier. We have to keep feeding it to Boom and Saine, and then set up plays based on the run.

Are you kidding me? Think man! USC has 21 carries for 79 yards including a 29 yarder. USC has done NOTHING to establish the run.
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Bill Lucas;1539142; said:
Are you kidding me? Think man! USC has 21 carries for 79 yards including a 29 yarder. USC has done NOTHING to establish the run.

That's with the averages from the earlier carries mixed in. Four/five yard pops on first and second downs have given Barkley a fair share of third and shorts. That's when Petey really let him loose.
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