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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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I'd really like to see TP improvise more. I'm all for him proving he can play in the pocket, but I thought he could have scrambled for the first down on the last incompletion before half. He needs to be able to stretch the field, but he also needs to be able to keep SC's D honest with his legs.

I've been pleasantly surprised by our play up front. The DL has been very good, and the OL has done a nice job for the most part. The false starts are killer, though, especially from Cordle. I know long snap counts are tough, but so is first and 15. Anyway, if you'd told me we'd be tied heading to the locker room at kickoff, I would have taken that. GO BUCKS!
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