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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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BuckeyeMike80;1539112; said:
You're right, it's always gotta be something with some of these "Buckeye" fans....

Seriously people. It's 10-10 not 21-3 or 28-7.

Ohio State has outplayed USC to this point and hopefully will continue to do so.

I very seriously doubt the panic I'm seeing from a few on this forum is being replicated in the locker room.


The plays are there on offense, and we'll make them.

The defense has been great.

People need to take a breath.
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Dryden;1539095; said:
It's not the aggressiveness, it's the playcall. Where's the bootleg/rollout run-pass option? That's 4-5 yards, guaranteed everytime.

Oh, I'm not arguing the Bucks should have thrown the ball deep on that down. Get the first down and keep the ball. Just the thought that JT is getting a little more aggressive is odd but welcome. The timing was not there in terms of the playcall.

The D needs a huge stop on the USC first set of downs in the third. I think it's key.
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BuckeyeMike80;1539112; said:
You're right, it's always gotta be something with some of these "Buckeye" fans....

Seriously people. It's 10-10 not 21-3 or 28-7.

Ohio State has outplayed USC to this point and hopefully will continue to do so.

I very seriously doubt the panic I'm seeing from a few on this forum is being replicated in the locker room.

I don't think that there is much panic. We've held SC well. A few 3 and outs... Just need to keep things in perspective. Our guys are in fine shape. Need to just get after 'em in the first series in the second half.

All is fine.

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scott91575;1539097; said:
Not getting into the endzone by simply QB sneaking it is horrible. Throwing on first down at the end, cool, take your shot. Then running it to run out the clock, cool. Then freaking throwing it again. WTF?

Those are not minor gaffes, or poor game plans. Those are just fucking stupid.

I am sorry you guys drink the cool aid non stop, but this should be at least a 7 point lead and it was because of horrible coaching decisions. Just because it's tied doesn't mean "oh, they did ok, it's tied." 2 weeks in a row they make really, really stupid choices. Choices that are simple. That is the problem.

You should know by now that I don't drink the kool aid. I've been dinged many times for my lack of kool aid drinking. There's a reason you didn't see my prediction for this game, and that's also the same reason I'm so excited to be tied at half..

I said I would've done a couple things different, but being aggressive is what we're going to have to do to win this game. You mentioned three "bad" calls, only one I truly thought was bad.

The rest of them have been perfect. The execution has not. Not trying to bash Pryor here, but if there's an open running lane he needs to take it. His best assets are his legs and he hasn't used them too much. Partially playcalling, but if something isn't there he needs to take off. That's how Texas beat USC. I expect to see more of that this half..

You'd think we were losing by 40. Bad calls are what we saw by Charlie Weis today. I've seen nothing like that. Our defense has been playing well enough to afford a couple more risks than normal.
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Dryden;1539095; said:
It's not the aggressiveness, it's the playcall. Where's the bootleg/rollout run-pass option? That's 4-5 yards, guaranteed everytime.

Actually, USC is keying on those rollouts. Anything in the 10-15 yard range appears to be open, the LB are staying up to prevent the run. Really, all we need to do is get TP settled down and we'll run away with it. I don't see their "D" stopping us unless we do something to ourselves. Boom has had some good running room, mix that with some nice passes, specifically to Jake and we'll be fine.

Major fucking KUDO's to the "D". What a great fucking half, with the exception of the 30 yard run. Great energy!
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I just don't think we can win a low-scoring game. Eventually USC is going to put up at least one more TD, and from the way we finished the half I'm not convinced that we will do that same. I don't know what the problem is (5/11 isn't helping...), but we've got to get it together. You can't assume that this game will end as it began.
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Petey started to let Barkley throw the ball after the run game had been established. SC's running game was stifled in the beginning but they stuck with it. The Bucks have to do the same. Pryor absolutely can not drop back on 2/3 of the downs and look downfield to pass. We had a few high percentage plays involving roll outs that worked out earlier. We have to keep feeding it to Boom and Saine, and then set up plays based on the run.
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I'm not giving up on the theory that Tressel wants this game to look close so the W looks better to the pollsters. :roll2:
If you blow them out, then suddenly "usc is a young team in a down year" instead of coming out on top of a hard-fought battle.
Go bucks
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TheIronColonel;1539125; said:
I just don't think we can win a low-scoring game. Eventually USC is going to put up at least one more TD, and from the way we finished the half I'm not convinced that we will do that same. I don't know what the problem is (5/11 isn't helping...), but we've got to get it together. You can't assume that this game will end as it began.

I actually think a low-scoring game benefits us. But I see what you're saying.

Phaeton;1539132; said:
I'm not giving up on the theory that Tressel wants this game to look close so the W looks better to the pollsters. :roll2:
If you blow them out, then suddenly "usc is a young team in a down year" instead of coming out on top of a hard-fought battle.
Go bucks

I'd bet you all the money in the world that Tressel is more concerned about winning this game than giving a shit about the pollsters.
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