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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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i liked the agressiveness, but not the actual play call it's self. that last drive what was it 3rd and 3? play action roll out where we have the option to run with pryor or if he see's someone down field hit em
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PC makes the best half time adjustments of any coach in CFB.

Here's hoping that our D continues to play stellar against the run. It's still the key to victory.

Here's also hoping that TP can get it going in the second half. So far our boys on both sides of the line have done their job.


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buckeyboy;1539079; said:
I find it odd that JT is being quite aggressive with some of his calls. Last he was criticized for being too conservative. Now he adds a new wrinkle and people start jumping on him. Not sure I like some of the 3rd and short plays I've seen so far but he's going for it and I can't blame him for it.
It's not the aggressiveness, it's the playcall. Where's the bootleg/rollout run-pass option? That's 4-5 yards, guaranteed everytime.
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3074326;1539073; said:
Going to have to disagree that it was that bad. I would've done things a little differently, but we're tied at the half with SC and I'm pretty sure horrible, horrible coaching has us down a lot more than that. The gameplan is solid. Execution has been a little inconsistent.

Not getting into the endzone by simply QB sneaking it is horrible. Throwing on first down at the end, cool, take your shot. Then running it to run out the clock, cool. Then freaking throwing it again. WTF?

Those are not minor gaffes, or poor game plans. Those are just fucking stupid.

I am sorry you guys drink the cool aid non stop, but this should be at least a 7 point lead and it was because of horrible coaching decisions. Just because it's tied doesn't mean "oh, they did ok, it's tied." 2 weeks in a row they make really, really stupid choices. Choices that are simple. That is the problem.
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Oh, and Go BG! It'd be nice for the trio of BG, UT and OSU to be undefeated this week. If Ohio won, then thats every major team in the state, right? I mean, its a foregone conclusion we win this, right? O MOTHERFUCKING H!

Does this remind you of the games we used to win? Play them tough for the first half, then come out and destroy them in the 2nd...maybe we'll have a game like we did against Washington State several years back...lets win this thing 35-10.
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scott91575;1539097; said:
Not getting into the endzone by simply QB sneaking it is horrible. Throwing on first down at the end, cool, take your shot. Then running it to run out the clock, cool. Then freaking throwing it again. WTF?

Those are not minor gaffes, or poor game plans. Those are just fucking stupid.

I am sorry you guys drink the cool aid non stop, but this should be at least a 7 point lead and it was because of horrible coaching decisions. Just because it's tied doesn't mean "oh, they did ok, it's tied." 2 weeks in a row they make really, really stupid choices. Choices that are simple. That is the problem.

Methinks you need to step away from the computer a bit...
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