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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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scott91575;1539060; said:
The Bucks dominated that half, and it's a tie. Horrible, horrible coaching.

Going to have to disagree that it was that bad. I would've done things a little differently, but we're tied at the half with SC and I'm pretty sure horrible, horrible coaching has us down a lot more than that. The gameplan is solid. Execution has been a little inconsistent.
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I find it odd that JT is being quite aggressive with some of his calls. Last he was criticized for being too conservative. Now he adds a new wrinkle and people start jumping on him. Not sure I like some of the 3rd and short plays I've seen so far but he's going for it and I can't blame him for it.
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Jake;1539069; said:
If he had ran it 3 times people would be complaining because we didn't try to score.

All we had to do was stop their first down run. We gave up 30 yards, opening the door for them.

I'm glad Tress tried to pass for a first down. We need to execute it.

I think we get the first on the ground and run the clock out at worst. I like aggressiveness, just not on that play.
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