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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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- Aside from the last drive, the DL is shutting down the run.
- Mixing it up and aggressive on offense.
- DB's are holding their own.
- Running game is there.
- OL has been very solid aside from a couple miscues.
- Crowd has been loud.

- Barkley's getting into a rhthm.
- NEED to generate more pressure on Barkley.
- TP needs to settle down and take what's there.

I wish we got the ball to start the 2nd half. We need to stop them. If they score, that may take the crowd out of the game.
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OregonBuckeye;1539048; said:
You need to get off JT's back. He's called a brilliant game so far. Pryor has been inconsistent.

Oh no doubt there, but I fail to see how running off-tackle constitutes "being aggressive and trying to score before the half." His comments seem highly disingenuous to me.

Then again, Pryor is pushing and clearly not comfortable, so what's there to do?
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exhawg;1539053; said:
JT's had several coaching F'ups so far this season.

If he had ran it 3 times people would be complaining because we didn't try to score.

All we had to do was stop their first down run. We gave up 30 yards, opening the door for them.

I'm glad Tress tried to pass for a first down. We need to execute it.
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scott91575;1539060; said:
The Bucks dominated that half, and it's a tie. Horrible, horrible coaching.

Where? They were aggressive. They just can't win with some of you guys. If they go conservative, people bitch. They were aggressive, hey, people are bitching. It wasn't playcalling, it was execution.
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