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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

Well, I've been here since last December/early January or so, and I suppose it's time that I introduce myself.

I'm a current graduate student at Northwestern University, and I'm working on my doctorate in Applied Mathematics. Now, I may be at Northwestern, but my allegiance has always been for the Buckeyes.

I lived in Holland, Ohio as a kid, from age 4 through 10. My parents didn't particularly care about college sports, but by around age 5 or so I became aware of the rivalry with that state up North. All around the neighborhood (Sawmill Run, if you're curious, on the edge of Holland near Toledo), there was an annual buzz over this big game between OSU and Michigan. I knew I lived in Ohio (a bright kid :wink: ), but for some odd reason, all my friends and most of the families in the neighborhood were Michigan fans. This didn't compute. I felt obliged to defy these idiots who didn't even realize which state they called home. I've always had a bit of a contrarian streak running within me, and this was the first time it manifested itself.

By age 8, I had attended a few games at the Shoe, and I even convinced my parents to let me attend a week-long swim camp at tOSU even though the typical age restriction was 10+. My Buckeye fever was growing. Ever since 5th grade, I have never missed watching an available game. Well ... except for the fiasco earlier this season where I didn't realize Dish Network had picked up BTN ... but I digress. Now, I'm 23, I'm currently living in Palatine, Illinois, I'm commuting to Evanston for school, teaching, and research ... and I'm as big a Buckeye fan as ever.

I love BP so far, and look forward to a lot more good times.

And I'd like to close with a soliloquy:

Oh, squiggly line in my eye fluid.
I see you there,
Lurking on the periphery of my vision.
But when I try to look at you,
You scurry away.

Are you shy, squiggly line?
Why only when I ignore you,
Do you return to the center of my eye?

Oh squiggly line,
It's alright,
You are forgiven.
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milkman21;953692; said:
And I'd like to close with a soliloquy:

Oh, squiggly line in my eye fluid.
I see you there,
Lurking on the periphery of my vision.
But when I try to look at you,
You scurry away.

Are you shy, squiggly line?
Why only when I ignore you,
Do you return to the center of my eye?

Oh squiggly line,
It's alright,
You are forgiven.

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I'm new here as well. I'm from Columbus, OH. Watched my first football game at the shoe. Thanks to that I am a buckeye fan through and through. I now live in Orlando and am getting constant grief because of the NC game. I need a place where I can at least hear good news about the bucks.

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Rookie;955010; said:
I'm new here as well. I'm from Columbus, OH. Watched my first football game at the shoe. Thanks to that I am a buckeye fan through and through. I now live in Orlando and am getting constant grief because of the NC game. I need a place where I can at least hear good news about the bucks.


Welcome to BP, sorry to hear about the Florida thing :biggrin:

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