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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

I am a HUGE Ohio State fan. I live in texas of all places. Dad grew up in Ohio so I inherited the ohio state respect. He was in the military and retired. I am 19 and a sophmore at a local college looking to transfer to tOSU. If anyone has info help plz pm me and stuff. I am also looking for the defensive and offensive rankings of ohio state in the nation. Holla, love the layout. Great job guys!
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I'll get in on this one.

My family moved from Southern Ohio (Portsmouth) to Columbus when I was in the 7th grade and I've been a Buckeye fan ever since (now 32). My uncle has been a Professor at tOSU in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering since 1981 and my love for the Buckeyes stems from the numerous basketball, football, hockey & baseball games I've attended over the years. I fly my Buckeye flag proudly at my home and display my support for the Bucks on my car as well. I get worked up when we win, and I get worked up when we lose and I think that's what having a personal connection to anything is all about. I did not personally attend tOSU, but I 100% respect what these kids in the athletic programs are able to do in terms of managing the pressures of being part of these HUGE sports teams as well as acquiring an education from one of the finest colleges in the United States.

Happy to be here and DAMN proud to be a BUCKEYE!!! :osu:

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Hello Everyone!

Coqui here.

Long time lurker, first time poster. So I apologize if I ask n00b questions.

I'm an Ohio State alumni (Class of 2000). Living last in Virginia, sadly I wasn't a Buckeye fan until I arrived in Ohio in 1995......but I think it was destiny anyways. My whole intention of coming to Ohio State (and paying the outrageous out of state tuition) was to become a part of TBDBITL. (Yes it's that well known) Sadly that didn't pan out but I stayed and began learning the history and tradition of Ohio State football.

Here's hoping our year stays sucessful.


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Coqui;970606; said:
Hello Everyone!

Coqui here.

Long time lurker, first time poster. So I apologize if I ask n00b questions.

I'm an Ohio State alumni (Class of 2000). Living last in Virginia, sadly I wasn't a Buckeye fan until I arrived in Ohio in 1995......but I think it was destiny anyways. My whole intention of coming to Ohio State (and paying the outrageous out of state tuition) was to become a part of TBDBITL. (Yes it's that well known) Sadly that didn't pan out but I stayed and began learning the history and tradition of Ohio State football.

Here's hoping our year stays sucessful.



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Longtime lurker-first time talker

Let me start by saying that this is by far the greatest Ohio State any site that I have ever seen. Now a little about myself, I am a transplanted Ohioan from Toledo who has lived the past 16 years in Hawaii. I can get into that discussion later if anyones interested. I never had the oppurtunity to attend tOSU but as a high school band member I was able to march at the Horseshoe during a state playoff game that my high school was involved in. As you can imagine living in Toledo and so close to the line of that state up north " the game " was always a huge deal with our family treating it as if it was thanksgiving type holiday, so the love has always been there. I've noticed a few other people on here that live in Hawaii so I'm sure we'll have some interesting discussions. I'm in the military but have really grew to love it out here. I do miss Ohio but only for Buckeye football and Cedar Point. I really look forward to becoming an active member of this Buckeye Family.

Aloha and GO BUCKS
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jetboy135;971116; said:
Let me start by saying that this is by far the greatest Ohio State any site that I have ever seen. Now a little about myself, I am a transplanted Ohioan from Toledo who has lived the past 16 years in Hawaii. I can get into that discussion later if anyones interested. I never had the oppurtunity to attend tOSU but as a high school band member I was able to march at the Horseshoe during a state playoff game that my high school was involved in. As you can imagine living in Toledo and so close to the line of that state up north " the game " was always a huge deal with our family treating it as if it was thanksgiving type holiday, so the love has always been there. I've noticed a few other people on here that live in Hawaii so I'm sure we'll have some interesting discussions. I'm in the military but have really grew to love it out here. I do miss Ohio but only for Buckeye football and Cedar Point. I really look forward to becoming an active member of this Buckeye Family.

Aloha and GO BUCKS

Welcome jetboy...there are definetly 3 or 4 prominent posters from the 808. Enjoy the best damn web site on the web.
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jetboy135;971116; said:
Let me start by saying that this is by far the greatest Ohio State any site that I have ever seen. Now a little about myself, I am a transplanted Ohioan from Toledo who has lived the past 16 years in Hawaii. I can get into that discussion later if anyones interested. I never had the oppurtunity to attend tOSU but as a high school band member I was able to march at the Horseshoe during a state playoff game that my high school was involved in. As you can imagine living in Toledo and so close to the line of that state up north " the game " was always a huge deal with our family treating it as if it was thanksgiving type holiday, so the love has always been there. I've noticed a few other people on here that live in Hawaii so I'm sure we'll have some interesting discussions. I'm in the military but have really grew to love it out here. I do miss Ohio but only for Buckeye football and Cedar Point. I really look forward to becoming an active member of this Buckeye Family.

Aloha and GO BUCKS

Welcome bro :)
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