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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself


BB73 and I have watched a few games at Champs in Scahumburg together. I knew about Buckeye Planet but mostly have been on Bucknuts, (cfbfan1217) but that place is full of a bunch of arrogant dick heads who seeemingly, well have no clue!

God Bless Jim Tressel and The Buckeyes!:oh::io:
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Woodman1217;960001; said:
BB73 and I have watched a few games at Champs in Scahumburg together. I knew about Buckeye Planet but mostly have been on Bucknuts, (cfbfan1217) but that place is full of a bunch of arrogant dick heads who seeemingly, well have no clue!

God Bless Jim Tressel and The Buckeyes!:oh::io:

Welcome to BP!
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Transplanted Buckeye

Just wanted to say howdy. Born and raised in Columbus.....Now in California, Visalia to be exact. You would think that when you buy a new house in a new neighborhood they would do a better job of screening your neighbors. Of course I move right next doot to a Michigan fan.........

I had my Ohio State flad on my truck and he thought it would be funny to sneak over and put his Michigan flag on it. But thats ok, I put somehting on his garage door. Makes for an interesting November though........

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visaliabuck;962533; said:
Thanks.....I see you guys are in OC....My parents live in San Juan capo...I went to HS in Costa Mesa....Small world

I moved here to SoCal only about 7 years ago. My husband, OCBucksfan, has lived here since he was 8 but was born in Ohio. I think he went to HS over in Westminster.
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