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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

scooter1369;983168; said:
Michigan is tied for first in the Big Televen but lost 1AA APP State. Does this mean the Big Ten sucks? no

NoD beat UCLA, UCLA beat Cal, Cal beat UT, UT beat MSU, MSU beat UK, and UK beat LSU.

Does this mean LSU sucks? No, but it doesn't say much for UCLA does it? :biggrin:
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OKay, I have two things to add:

1. Most talking-heads point to the Appy State - Michigan game as one of the many reasons that the Big 10 sucks. However, no one ever brings up the USF - Auburn game as a weakness of the SEC. The double standard pisses me off.
2. Admittedly, I suck at using the search function. But, to my credit, this seems like more of a college football thread than a Buckeye football thread, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
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Yertle;983202; said:
OKay, I have two things to add:

1. Most talking-heads point to the Appy State - Michigan game as one of the many reasons that the Big 10 sucks. However, no one ever brings up the USF - Auburn game as a weakness of the SEC. The double standard pisses me off.
2. Admittedly, I suck at using the search function. But, to my credit, this seems like more of a college football thread than a Buckeye football thread, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

USF is a div1A team with a some big wins and quite a following and currently is the second best team in the Sunshine State. Comparing a loss to a ranked South Florida team to a loss to a good Div1AA team is a bit of a stretch.
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scooter1369;983207; said:
USF is a div1A team with a some big wins and quite a following and currently is the second best team in the Sunshine State. Comparing a loss to a ranked South Florida team to a loss to a good Div1AA team is a bit of a stretch.

I'm not suggesting that it's the same level of an upset. However, I am saying that if Ohio State is weak due to Michigan's loss to Appy State (which was very clearly implied earlier this year), then what does this say about an LSU team when their closest competition in the SEC lost to the cellar dwellers of the Big East? If the media is going to apply moron-logic to the Big 10's strength, then let's at least be consistent.
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scooter1369;983207; said:
USF is a div1A team with a some big wins and quite a following and currently is the second best team in the Sunshine State. Comparing a loss to a ranked South Florida team to a loss to a good Div1AA team is a bit of a stretch.
Is USF still the second best team in the Sunshine State? Really?

USF now sports a 1-3 record in the Big East, 6-3 overall.

That earlier lofty ranking for USF smells like bovine manure right now.

If you accept Florida as the given primo team in the Sunshine State I'd say that (bizarre as this may sound) FSU would have a legitimate claim on number 2. Their latest win was against then #2 BC, in Chestnut Hill. They now carry a 6-3 record, 3-3 in conference.
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sandgk;983239; said:
Is USF still the second best team in the Sunshine State? Really?

USF now sports a 1-3 record in the Big East, 6-3 overall.

That earlier lofty ranking for USF smells like bovine manure right now.

If you accept Florida as the given primo team in the Sunshine State I'd say that (bizarre as this may sound) FSU would have a legitimate claim on number 2. Their latest win was against then #2 BC, in Chestnut Hill. They now carry a 6-3 record, 3-3 in conference.

They beat the every living fuck out of UCF and I'd bet they'd beat FSU handily. Miami? What a joke they are. USF would Kansas/Nebraska their ass.
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Yertle;983202; said:
OKay, I have two things to add:

1. Most talking-heads point to the Appy State - Michigan game as one of the many reasons that the Big 10 sucks. However, no one ever brings up the USF - Auburn game as a weakness of the SEC. The double standard pisses me off.
2. Admittedly, I suck at using the search function. But, to my credit, this seems like more of a college football thread than a Buckeye football thread, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

The difference is that that talking heads (e.g., Mark May) were touting South Florida as a #1 team. Then, reality struck and they looked like fools. So, keep pumping Big Ten, Big 12 weakness and keep telling us how strong the SEC and Big East are. The computers would argue that the SEC is a stronger league than the Big Ten this year, top to bottom.

The big surprise, which will come when the Big Ten rolls in its bowl games, will come to late to shut them up. But, the "sports journalists" will be more guarded in their criticism next year.
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scooter1369;983243; said:
They beat the every living fuck out of UCF and I'd bet they'd beat FSU handily. Miami? What a joke they are. USF would Kansas/Nebraska their ass.

USF has a decent defense but they only seem to play about half the downs. Thats better than their offense which gets completely shut down by even average defenses. Against FSU they would get shut out. Miami would be a game since Miami tends to hurt themselves on offense.
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Does anyone think it's odd that LSU is playing LaTech this weekend, but we got chastised for playing Kent State a few weeks ago?

They may have big games in the south, but they cleverly seperate those big games with Byes and with D-1AA teams (ex. Georgia vs. Troy).
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Bobby Hoying;983624; said:
Does anyone think it's odd that LSU is playing LaTech this weekend, but we got chastised for playing Kent State a few weeks ago?

They may have big games in the south, but they cleverly seperate those big games with Byes and with D-1AA teams (ex. Georgia vs. Troy).

Well LSU has so much team speed that they've already played their next game against Ole Miss, but they have to wait a weekend to show it, so they are playing LaTech to fill space this weekend :p
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BuckeyeMike80;983631; said:
Well LSU has so much team speed that they've already played their next game against Ole Miss, but they have to wait a weekend to show it, so they are playing LaTech to fill space this weekend :p
Ahhh yes running into the future fast... its a shame we only recruited some of that 4.36 mid-atlantic speed for next year.
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Currently the SEC has six teams with three losses.
Only one has seven wins.
Their combined OOC W-L pct is 86%.

Four teams in the Big Ten have 3 losses.
All have seven wins.
Their combined OOC W-L pct is 93%

Five of the 6 SEC teams are ranked.

None of the 4 Big Ten teams are ranked.

No evidence of bias here.
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