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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

Jaxbuck;976386; said:
I have no problem giving the SEC the nod for depth the past couple of years as long as I'm conversing with someone who understands its a cyclical thing and the B10 is just as good year in and year out.

LOL.........well, you're in luck!!!

Once again, I agree. A little tough not to, when you look at the history of the Big Ten compared to the history of the SEC. The history of OSU, Penn State, and even though you may hate to admit it, Michigan, is very, very impressive. I would be a fool to try and argue against your point.

Factor in Miami and Florida State of the ACC, Oklahoma and Texas of the Big 12, USC & well ok, just USC of the Pac-10 (sorry, I just can't give credit to a conference that doesn't play defense :) ) and I would definitely say that it's a "cyclical thing". There's going to be Up and Down years for each conference, right now the SEC is up. It won't be that way forever, and for me, that's just another reason why I love college football so much.
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GeauxTigers99;976400; said:
LOL.........well, you're in luck!!!

Once again, I agree. A little tough not to, when you look at the history of the Big Ten compared to the history of the SEC. The history of OSU, Penn State, and even thought you may hate to admit it, Michigan, is very, very impressive. I would be a fool to try and argue against your point.

Factor in Miami and Florida State of the ACC, Oklahoma and Texas of the Big 12, USC & well ok, just USC of the Pac-10 (sorry, I just can't give credit to a conference that doesn't play defense :) ) and I would definitely say that it's a "cyclical thing". There's going to Up and Down years for each conference, right now the SEC is up. It won't be that way forever, and for me, that's just another reason why I love college football so much.

I would argue the Miami and FSU of the ACC thing. They were members of seperate conferences when they were good and because of that never had to pay the price a B10 or SEC team does when they lose a conference game and it keeps them from the Rose Bowl or SEC CG.

How many years did they both start pre season top 10, play early and the loser would be back in the top 5 by year end because their respective conferences had no one who could beat them? They never paid a real price for losing to their rival.

Contrast that to say Tennessee who would be stacked, lose an early game to UF and then never even get to be SEC east champs. Their season was crippled in September just like the loser of the OSU/UM game's season is crippled in the last week.

Miami and FSU never had to deal with that when they were good and imo if losing to your rival doesn't pretty much ruin your season on the spot there is something wrong.

I've been preaching conference strength being cyclical for many years but the first step is joining a conference. It took PSU out of perrenial NC contender status and I don't consider the old ACC or BE a real conference for Miami or FSU when they were good for the reasons above.
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Oh, he still bashes on Ohio State and the Big Ten.

He just finally realized that the other conference that is going to have a 3 loss second place team is the SEC. And that team will probably be Tennessee IMO. And they also lost a huge game against the Pac-10.

Still, it is good to hear his comments: "Georgia and Alabama are only good statistically at punting! They are pedestrian teams! SEC is overrated!"
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Quick fact:
SEC vs other BCS conference schools this year: 5-5

6 SEC home games record: 4-2
3 SEC road games record: 1-2
1 neutral site: 0-1

The games:
vs ACC:2-1
-VT 7 @ LSU 48
-Bama 14 vs FSU 21 neutral site
-USC 21 @ UNC 15

vs B12: 2-1
-OkState 14 @ UGA 35
-KSU 13 @ Auburn 23
-Mizzou 38 @ Ole Miss 25

vs Big East: 1-2
-USF 26 @ Auburn 23
-L'ville 34 @ UK 40
-MSU 13 @ WVU 38

vs Pac 10: 0-1
-Cal 45 vs UT 31

So again, if this is the deepest conference in America, if the worst SEC team is better than the best teams from other conferences, if the depth of the SEC makes it impossible to go undefeated, why are they simply 5-5 vs other BCS schools this year?
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Jaxbuck;978774; said:
So again, if this is the deepest conference in America, if the worst SEC team is better than the best teams from other conferences, if the depth of the SEC makes it impossible to go undefeated, why are they simply 5-5 vs other BCS schools this year?

I maintain that our bottom tier would be successful against your bottom tier. Our bottom tier SEC teams seem to regularly beat "top" SEC tier teams, and I think that this occurs so often by virtue of their squad's overall athleticism, in a manner different than - say - the Big 10, where it is rarer for your bottom dwellers to knock you top teams off.

Statistically, I think such upsets are more regular in the SEC than the Big 10, which IMO supports the overall strength of the SEC.

Finally, I do not know anyone with a brain that would say our Miss State's would kill the Ohio States of the world. Simply nonsense Jax.

As I've said previously, our (Big 10 and SEC) best teams are all equal, last January notwithstanding.
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Why is it when a "bottom tier" SEC team beats a "top tier" SEC team, that makes the conference stronger? In any other conference, that makes them weaker. MGoBlog has a great little blurb about just how awesome the SEC is this year...

mgoblog: Blogpoll Ballot Week ANARCHY
MGoBlog said:
What the hell is going on here?The events of the past few weeks have caused me to radically revalue the SEC. To wit: it sucks. (For the record, the Big Ten also sucks. The Pac-10 is where it's at this year.) When Mississippi State takes down two supposed contenders, your conference is not good. What real evidence do we have of the SEC dominance that braindead sportswriters and southern yokels proclaim every fall? A brief SEC OOC dossier:


LSU crushes VT. Georgia handles Oklahoma State who, yes, lost to Troy but is rounding into a decent Big 12 team. Auburn beats another decent Big 12 team, Kansas State.


Kentucky beats Louisville. Congratulations. Get in line behind Syracuse.


Auburn loses to USF. Tennessee is crushed by Cal. Mississippi State, competitive in conference, is obliterated by WVU. South Carolina struggles with awful UNC team. 'Bama loses to thoroughly mediocre FSU.


Ole Miss loses to Mizzou, but they've also lost to every SEC team they've played so no points off.

That is the entire listing of SEC games against BCS competition and it's mostly bad. Mississippi State sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks sucks, sucks and they've beaten Auburn and Kentucky. 3-2 in the SEC Tennessee was crushed by 2-3 in the Pac-10 Cal. 4-1 in the SEC 'Bama lost to 2-3 in the ACC Florida State. So the SEC can suck it.

Florida? Gone. South Carolina? Gone. Kentucky? Gone. None has proven anything except they're mediocre teams in a mediocre conference. LSU takes a hit from this re-evaluation and a two-week span in which schedule strength got pounded with the UK loss, the UF loss, the VT loss, and the back-to-back South Carolina losses.
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Gatorubet;978782; said:
I maintain that our bottom tier would be successful against your bottom tier. Our bottom tier SEC teams seem to regularly beat "top" SEC tier teams, and I think that this occurs so often by virtue of their squad's overall athleticism, in a manner different than - say - the Big 10, where it is rarer for your bottom dwellers to knock you top teams off.

When the overall conference talent is down yes. In more normal times our bottom teams knowcked off top teams all the time. A 6-6 MSU team beat one of the best OSU teams of all time in Columbus in 1998 for example.

Northwestern won 3 B10 titles in a 6 year stretch from '95 to '00 and just beat us in 2004.

Finally, I do not know anyone with a brain that would say our Miss State's would kill the Ohio States of the world. Simply nonsense Jax.

Nonsense to you and me but you know good and well things like that are said and fully believed by a large percentage of the average SEC fanbase and national media.

I agree fully that people who feel that way are lacking a brain. The difference is I believe a lot more people down here, and in the national media, suffer from that afflicition than you do.
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Gatorubet;921590; said:


You keep using that word -- I do not think it means what you think it means. :)
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