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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

Dryden;984752; said:
I know there are no further "official" BCS standings after the bowls have been played, but it's still funny to look at that list and see that both LSU and Florida have won BCS championships, despite never being ranked #1 in the BCS's 10-year history.

Regardless, I think this is the proof why SEC fans complain that the system is set up to screw them. Three SEC teams have won the crystal football in the past nine championship games, while a fourth had a perfect season and didn't even play in the game, yet all SEC teams combined have been ranked #1 in the BCS a grand total of 5 times.

Roy Kramer built it so I'm sure it was never designed to screw the SEC. Given the fact they have won 3 of the 9 BCS NC's I don't think it has really.
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Yertle;983202; said:
1. Most talking-heads point to the Appy State - Michigan game as one of the many reasons that the Big 10 sucks. However, no one ever brings up the USF - Auburn game as a weakness of the SEC. The double standard pisses me off.
Also Cal thrashing Tennessee and FSU over Alabama. Auburn, Tennessee and Alabama are all ranked in the BCS and they have all been beaten by unranked teams in OOC play. Auburn beat 5-4 KState, but they aren't ranked either. I think these three SEC teams are ranked because of pollsters' perceptions, right or wrong. There does seem to be a pattern where SEC bias plays a role.

Tennessee at #24 is particularly glaring. They must be the model for how not to play defense this year.
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My teacher in a training class today (in south central Louisiana) put up two numbers on the board today,

10-0 and


all he said was "Go Bucks".

LOL, I thought it was great. He caught a lot of hell for it but I thought it showed balls. Was great to see. However, upon leaving, I wrote 41-14 right below the two numbers above. Wish I could have taken a picture of his face.

Good times.........man, I love college football.

Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!
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GeauxTigers99;986763; said:
My teacher in a training class today (in south central Louisiana) put up two numbers on the board today,

10-0 and


all he said was "Go Bucks".

LOL, I thought it was great. He caught a lot of hell for it but I thought it showed balls. Was great to see. However, upon leaving, I wrote 41-14 right below the two numbers above. Wish I could have taken a picture of his face.

Good times.........man, I love college football.

Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate you and everything you stand for...no offense. :biggrin:
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GeauxTigers99;986763; said:
My teacher in a training class today (in south central Louisiana) put up two numbers on the board today,

10-0 and


all he said was "Go Bucks".

LOL, I thought it was great. He caught a lot of hell for it but I thought it showed balls. Was great to see. However, upon leaving, I wrote 41-14 right below the two numbers above. Wish I could have taken a picture of his face.

Good times.........man, I love college football.

Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!

I would have simply responded with 3-1 (big10's record last year against the SEC)
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Hate to point out the obvious...

But, going back to the title of the thread, isn't the moral of this story not to have friends from the SEC?
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GeauxTigers99;986763; said:
My teacher in a training class today (in south central Louisiana) put up two numbers on the board today,

10-0 and


all he said was "Go Bucks".

LOL, I thought it was great. He caught a lot of hell for it but I thought it showed balls. Was great to see. However, upon leaving, I wrote 41-14 right below the two numbers above. Wish I could have taken a picture of his face.

Good times.........man, I love college football.

Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!
When I wore an ohio state shirt to school before the national championship game, my teacher gave me a referral as a joke.
But also sort of serious..
And then after the game I had to endure an entire semester of abuse :(
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Yertle;984533; said:
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I think this belongs in here:

Does anyone know who has been #1 in the BCS the most weeks? The Buckeyes have to be up there with USC, and maybe Miami.

Spun off from the SoonerStats site, this site shows all time AP and BCS poll data and can customize the searches in several ways. Very nice for researching historical poll results, streaks, top 10s, Top 5s, #1s, etc.

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