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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

I would be intreested to see what kind of national respect/lack there of the SEC received in 1996 after its champion was so badly beaten in a NC game.

I don't recall a program and its entire conference ever catching so much flak over 1 goddamn game.
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Jaxbuck;984261; said:
I would be intreested to see what kind of national respect/lack there of the SEC received in 1996 after its champion was so badly beaten in a NC game.

I don't recall a program and its entire conference ever catching so much flak over 1 goddamn game.

Call me a homer, but that 95 Husker squad was the best team I've ever seen, including both of my MNC Gator teams...

I was reduced to starting a cheer "hit her again hit her again - harder, harder!!" whenever Lawrence Philips took the field, but other than that, all I could do is drink and head to Hooters with my brother after the beat down.
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Oh8ch;984256; said:
Currently the SEC has six teams with three losses.
Only one has seven wins.
Their combined OOC W-L pct is 86%.

Four teams in the Big Ten have 3 losses.
All have seven wins.
Their combined OOC W-L pct is 93%

Five of the 6 SEC teams are ranked.

None of the 4 Big Ten teams are ranked.

No evidence of bias here.

And the win/loss record of the OOC teams per conference respectively?? C'mon, it ain't all a plot...
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Gatorubet;984286; said:
Call me a homer, but that 95 Husker squad was the best team I've ever seen, including both of my MNC Gator teams...

I was reduced to starting a cheer "hit her again hit her again - harder, harder!!" whenever Lawrence Philips took the field, but other than that, all I could do is drink and head to Hooters with my brother after the beat down.

I would agree that '95 team was insanely good. Regardless, that loss didn't invalidate anything you did the following year the way it seems to do for us this year.

Anyway, I'm tired of bitching about it. tsuns performance at the end of '06 and to start '07 probably have more to do with the national lack of respect than anything we've done. I still think most people(even SEC fans :wink2:) are smart enough to realize one game does not define a program.
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And the win/loss record of the OOC teams per conference respectively?? C'mon, it ain't all a plot...

How about the only OOC loss by those four Big Ten teams was Illinois by 6 -

- to #7 Missouri.

The three SEC losses were to Cal, FSU and USF. The highest ranked of those teams is Cal at #24.

The SEC is getting credit for beating ranked teams - but those ranked teams are mostly other SEC teams. That works if the rankings are legit. My argument for these 10 teams is that they are not.

LSU gets credit for beating a ranked 6-3 Fllorida team. OSU gets no credit for beating an unrakned 7-3 MSU, an unranked 7-3 PSU and an unranked 7-3 Wisky (all of whom are 7-2 without those losses to OSU.

There are six teams in the top 25 with three loses. Five of those are from the SEC and the other is the aforementioned Cal

Your move.
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The more I look at this it IS a freakin plot.

Purdue has lost three games - #1 OSU, #13 Michigan and 7-3 PSU.

PSU has lost three games - #1 OSU, #13 Michigan and 7-3 Illinois.

Wisky has lost three games - #1 OSU, 7-3 PSU and 7-3 Illinois.

Illinois has lost three games 0 #1 OSU, #7 Missouri, and the only loss by any of these teams to any team that isn't ranked or 7-3 - Iowa.
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I love you guys. I'm printing out a copy of all of the facts/info, and I'm going to place it on all of my coworkers desks, just as they did by placing the Gator newspaper article for me after the day after the NC game. It will be only 1 part of my eventual multi schemed payback.
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Here we go for the SEC -

Tennessee lost to 6-3 Florida, 6-3 Alabama, and 6-3 Cal. All ranked, but why?
Their OOC games were Southern Miss, Ark St, La Laughayette and Cal - to whom they lost.

Florida lost to #2 LSU, #10 Georgia, and 6-3 Auburn.
With an OOC of Troy and W. Ky.

Alabama lost to #2 LSU, #10 Georgia and unranked FSU.
With OOC wins over W Car and Houston.

Auburn lost to #2 LSU, Miss St, and USF.
OOC wins are Kans St and N Mex St.

Kentucky lost to 6-3 Florida, S. Car and Miss ST.
OOC wins over E Ky, Kent St, and Fla Atlantic.

Count 'em. Four 7-3 Big Ten teams ranked behind 6-3 Kentucky. But when another SEC team beats Kentucky they get credit for beating a ranked team. OSU has yet to beat a ranked team. Go figure.
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Oh8ch;984360; said:
How about the only OOC loss by those four Big Ten teams was Illinois by 6 -

- to #7 Missouri.

The three SEC losses were to Cal, FSU and USF. The highest ranked of those teams is Cal at #24.

The SEC is getting credit for beating ranked teams - but those ranked teams are mostly other SEC teams. That works if the rankings are legit. My argument for these 10 teams is that they are not.

LSU gets credit for beating a ranked 6-3 Fllorida team. OSU gets no credit for beating an unrakned 7-3 Purdue, an unranked 7-3 PSU and an unranked 7-3 Wisky (all of whom are 7-2 without those losses to OSU.

There are six teams in the top 25 with three loses. Five of those are from the SEC and the other is the aforementioned Cal

Your move.
Fixed it for ya.:wink2:
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Oh8ch;984375; said:
The more I look at this it IS a freakin plot.

Purdue has lost three games - #1 OSU, #13 Michigan and 7-3 PSU.

PSU has lost three games - #1 OSU, #13 Michigan and 7-3 Illinois.

Wisky has lost three games - #1 OSU, 7-3 PSU and 7-3 Illinois.

Illinois has lost three games 0 #1 OSU, #7 Missouri, and the only loss by any of these teams to any team that isn't ranked or 7-3 - Iowa.
While I'm not saying I disagree with you, I will say that at least some of it is because of those scUM games. All those B10 teams losing to them hurts (we all know their first 2 games were like).
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I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I think this belongs in here:

Does anyone know who has been #1 in the BCS the most weeks? The Buckeyes have to be up there with USC, and maybe Miami.
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This is all I could find. I know it's another forum, and not a really credible (Pittsburgh Steelers Website) page, but I guess it proves that the research has been done and "something" was prepared on this subject.

Steelers Fever Forums - View Single Post - ALA/LSU - FSU/BC-

By the way, for the Buckeye haters, they set a record for most consecutive conference wins. The Big Ten isn't exactly a noob conference, and regardless of how good or bad they are this year, there were years when the Big Ten was lights out. There was also a graphic during the game today that showed total weeks at #1, and OSU was just behind Oklahoma and USC all-time.

I just found this Website. It is an all-time records in BCS games and appearences.

FOX Sports on MSN - BCSFootball - BCS All-Time Records by School
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xcrunner;984443; said:
While I'm not saying I disagree with you, I will say that at least some of it is because of those scUM games. All those B10 teams losing to them hurts (we all know their first 2 games were like).

I think that the enormity of the Michigan beat down, coupled with the unexpected Buck loss in Jan, when added to the fact that scUM was beaten in its first two ooc games - in the manner they were - when seen with the scUM success in conference is sort of the "tone poem" that leads to the disrespect.

Now, it can be gone as soon as this season is over, and the multiple B10 teams kick butt in bowls, but it is a perception that y'all are down.

I can see the circular logic of rankings. You are ranked, a loss by you is not bad, and your opponent is ranked, so that is less of a blow. This season, because of the timing of those transient facts implying a weaker B10 is at the root of the perception. Here, perception becomes reality when arbitrary rankings inflate and self-perpetuate higher rankings.

All I can say to your excellent research is tell your B10 brothers to win some major bowl games in a big way, and not let your premier teams get beat by the Appy states of the world.

I think xcrunner nailed it. I agree, not fair. But there is nothing you can do about it but continue to kick butt and march towards New Orleans and - ideally - a rematch with an SEC team in its own back yard. A beat down of LSU in that environment should be good for years of rep. Hell, people on this board are still talking about the Husker beat down, and it is only because the Huskers used to be awesome. Hell, they still are getting dap from the black shirts of the 90s.

BTW, if it's "my move", it's toward the bar...:biggrin:
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Yertle;984533; said:
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I think this belongs in here:

Does anyone know who has been #1 in the BCS the most weeks? The Buckeyes have to be up there with USC, and maybe Miami.

There are 4 BCS rankings left this season. If tOSU wins the next two games, they'll be tied with Oklahoma until at least October, 2008.

Weeks #1 in the BCS
18 - Oklahoma
15 - USC
14 - tOSU (as of 11/05/07)
07 - FSU
07 - Miami
05 - Nebraska
05 - Tennessee
01 - Texas
01 - UCLA
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BB73;984743; said:
There are 4 BCS rankings left this season. If tOSU wins the next two games, they'll be tied with Oklahoma until at least October, 2008.

Weeks #1 in the BCS
18 - Oklahoma
15 - USC
14 - tOSU (as of 11/05/07)
07 - FSU
07 - Miami
05 - Nebraska
05 - Tennessee
01 - Texas
01 - UCLA
I know there are no further "official" BCS standings after the bowls have been played, but it's still funny to look at that list and see that both LSU and Florida have won BCS championships, despite never being ranked #1 in the BCS's 10-year history.

Regardless, I think this is the proof why SEC fans complain that the system is set up to screw them. Three SEC teams have won the crystal football in the past nine championship games, while a fourth had a perfect season and didn't even play in the game, yet all SEC teams combined have been ranked #1 in the BCS a grand total of 5 times.
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