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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

MD Buckeye;987834; said:
In conference? 3 losses better than the Gators :tongue2: :wink2:


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GeauxTigers99;986763; said:
My teacher in a training class today (in south central Louisiana) put up two numbers on the board today,

10-0 and


all he said was "Go Bucks".

LOL, I thought it was great. He caught a lot of hell for it but I thought it showed balls. Was great to see. However, upon leaving, I wrote 41-14 right below the two numbers above. Wish I could have taken a picture of his face.

Good times.........man, I love college football.

Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought Florida beat us last year 41-14 not LSU?

That is what I love about SEC fans. They always bring up "the conference". Your teacher made a direct reference to OSU's record vs. LSU's record. You respond with a remark that has nothing to do with what your teacher put on the board.

Didn't you guys lose to Kentucky this year. They eeked in to the polls this week at 25:lol:

I don't think that any team that loses to Kentucky in football should be able to argue about anything. If I were you, I would pray that Kansas loses.
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Tlangs;988234; said:
I thought Florida beat us last year 41-14 not LSU?

That is what I love about SEC fans. They always bring up "the conference". Your teacher made a direct reference to OSU's record vs. LSU's record. You respond with a remark that has nothing to do with what your teacher put on the board.

Didn't you guys lose to Kentucky this year. They eeked in to the polls this week at 25:lol:

I don't think that any team that loses to Kentucky in football should be able to argue about anything. If I were you, I would pray that Kansas loses.

The teacher must have been trying to bring the associative property down to a level that any swap reptile can understand! :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;988270; said:
Uh...Tiger fan

(btw 41-14 was also the Notre dame tigger score, so he could have been alluding to that)

Tigers aren't reptiles? Well, son of a bitch! Learn something new everyday. :p
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GeauxTigers99;986763; said:
My teacher in a training class today (in south central Louisiana) put up two numbers on the board today,

10-0 and


all he said was "Go Bucks".

LOL, I thought it was great. He caught a lot of hell for it but I thought it showed balls. Was great to see. However, upon leaving, I wrote 41-14 right below the two numbers above. Wish I could have taken a picture of his face.

Good times.........man, I love college football.

Geaux Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!

What does LSU have to do with 41-14????
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Ok who here kidnapped Dennis Dodd and wrote his weekend preview for him:

NCAA Football - CBSSports.com

There are 23 teams in the country with three losses. Six of them are ranked in the AP. Five of those are from the SEC.
Outraged? When other conferences beat each other up, they're no good. When it happens in the SEC, it's the most competitive conference in the country.
The SEC has gotten into the voters' heads. This is the only sport where seven decades of history count more than 10 weeks of reality.
Six weeks ago Alabama (6-3) looked God-awful in losing to a mediocre FSU. Auburn (7-3) has beaten one currently ranked team. Yeah, it was Florida. So? The Gators have lost three of their past five and are still somehow No. 17.
We say this knowing that the Big Ten is down, but League Arrogance has four three-loss teams -- Illinois, Penn State, Purdue and Wisconsin (all 7-3).
Not one of those is worth being ranked? SEC better than the Big Ten? That's how this season started. That's also a heck of a BCS title game hangover.

A national media person questioning the inherent right of SEC teams to be ranked? Now I'm actually nervous about the game Saturday. :paranoid:
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From Dodd's article
"This is the only sport where seven decades of history count more than 10 weeks of reality".
Alabama was good since the SEC's first year, 1933, through the 80s. But what other history is he talking about? I don't think it's Alabama's tradition or Johnny Majors' career that has Tennessee at #24, for instance. It's just SEC bias, based on perception fabricated by the media.
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