before you read this story, consider this source: my friend's roommate talked to skeete's brother. so, obviously, this is not first-hand information. you don't have to believe it, and i'm not saying that this is a definite fact. but, if true, and i trust this source, this is very disgusting.
here is what happened to skeete. there were undercover cops posing as college students the entire year. they lived in the dorm and acted like regular students. they started talking to skeete from the beginning of the year, occasionally bullshitting with him about football, girls, etc. then, in february, they asked him if he knew of anyone that could score them some weed. he said he did, so he went up, got the weed from his man, took it to the fake students, and got the $70 for his man. then, in may, he gets arrested on this charge.
apparently, skeete doesn't even smoke weed, let alone sell it. he was duped by people that he thought were students; it wasn't like it was some strange guy that just came up to him on the street. i have many friends that do not touch weed, yet if one of the kids in their dorm asked them where they could get some, they would very nonchalantly suggest a guy. pretty much every college kid, whether they smoke or not, knows someone that has weed.
apparently this is a big operation to try and eliminate drug use in the dorms. the cops are trying to get skeete to rat out who he got the weed from (it was another osu football player) but he won't squeal.
basically, this kid's life is ruined over $70 of weed, all because he did a small favor to some seemingly ordinary guys that he was chill with in his dorm. un-fucking-believable.
on the one hand, you have to consider the source, which is skeete's brother. it's possible that he could just be making all this up to clear his bro's name.
on the other hand, you have to consider skeete himself. all his youth and high school coaches considered him to be a great kid. he had a great gpa and was apparently majoring in engineering. when i first heard the news story, i believed it, although i wondered how a smart kid could have been stupid enough to risk selling to an undercover cop. but after hearing this story, it makes more sense to me as to how this could have occured.
we can argue all we want about weed and whether it's good/bad for you, etc. but when you've got people living in the fucking dorms for an entire year, acting like students, making friends, asking them for small favors, and then stabbing them in the back....that's fucking disgusting. it honestly makes me sick. if the cops ever offered me this undercover job, i don't care if they'd pay me 100 grand, i wouldn't do it, i wouldn't be able to deal with ruining a kid's life on my conscience.
i am incredibly angered and sickened by this story. nobody has to believe me, i realize that the friend's roommate's brother sounds cliche and that the fake students sounds bizarre. just take this into consideration before we pull a jim rome and lambast skeete.
remember, this is a good kid we're talking about in skeete. what's more likely, that he sold weed to some undercover cop in the street, or that he was duped by the fake students? option b seems more likely given skeete's background, although option a is still entirely possible.
i'm just very angry and upset about all this. i don't want to launch into a social diatribe...i just can't believe how badly a good person is getting screwed because of this.