A Half pound?? Link
OSU kicker arrested
By David J. Cross
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] Published: Thursday, May 12, 2005 [/font]
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Media Credit: Jeff Mills
Place-kicker Jonathan Skeete, seen here kicking during the Spring Game, was arrested yesterday for selling marijuana.
</td> </tr> </table></td></tr></table>Jonathan Skeete - a place-kicker for the Ohio State football team - was arrested early yesterday morning in his residence hall on a warrant for selling marijuana.
According to a complaint filed by the Franklin County sheriff\'s office, Skeete, 18, was taken into custody at 1:14 a.m. at Baker Hall East because of a Feb. 11 incident. Rick Amweg, spokesman for University Police, said the incident involved Skeete attempting to sell about half-pound of marijuana to an undercover officer.
"The only thing I know is that like in all cases, (Skeete will) be suspended indefinitely until we find out what goes on in the legal process," said football coach Jim Tressel. "Obviously it\'s a tremendously serious thing and we\'ll address it in like fashion."
"You would think I\'ve been at this long enough not to be shocked," he said. "I just think that human nature is to believe the best and think the best, and not that my thought process has changed, because I don\'t know exactly what the story is and what\'s going to come out of it, but obviously yeah big surprise to me."
If found guilty, Skeete could face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.
The arrest took place several months after the initial incident and more information is not available because of an ongoing investigation by University Police and the Franklin County sheriff\'s department that could have been compromised if he was arrested sooner, Amweg said.
Skeete, an undecided sophomore from Gahanna, is one of three players hoping to replace place-kicker Mike Nugent, who was drafted by the New York Jets.
Skeete, originally a walk-on, was redshirted in 2004 and completed 6-of-11 field goals during OSU\'s annual kick scrimmage. During the April 23 spring game he was 2-for-2 in field goals and made one of two extra points.
Attempts to contact Skeete at the Franklin County Correctional Facility, 2460 Jackson Pike, were unsuccessful.
The Lantern was unable to obtain the Franklin County sheriff\'s report on the incident.
Skeete\'s bond and preliminary hearing will be set 9:00 a.m. today during his arraignment.
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Media Credit: Jeff Mills
Place-kicker Jonathan Skeete, seen here kicking during the Spring Game, was arrested yesterday for selling marijuana.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>Jonathan Skeete - a place-kicker for the Ohio State football team - was arrested early yesterday morning in his residence hall on a warrant for selling marijuana.
According to a complaint filed by the Franklin County sheriff's office, Skeete, 18, was taken into custody at 1:14 a.m. at Baker Hall East because of a Feb. 11 incident. Rick Amweg, spokesman for University Police, said the incident involved Skeete attempting to sell about half-pound of marijuana to an undercover officer.
"The only thing I know is that like in all cases, (Skeete will) be suspended indefinitely until we find out what goes on in the legal process," said football coach Jim Tressel. "Obviously it's a tremendously serious thing and we'll address it in like fashion."
"You would think I've been at this long enough not to be shocked," he said. "I just think that human nature is to believe the best and think the best, and not that my thought process has changed, because I don't know exactly what the story is and what's going to come out of it, but obviously yeah big surprise to me."
If found guilty, Skeete could face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.
The arrest took place several months after the initial incident and more information is not available because of an ongoing investigation by University Police and the Franklin County sheriff's department that could have been compromised if he was arrested sooner, Amweg said.
Skeete, an undecided sophomore from Gahanna, is one of three players hoping to replace place-kicker Mike Nugent, who was drafted by the New York Jets.
Skeete, originally a walk-on, was redshirted in 2004 and completed 6-of-11 field goals during OSU's annual kick scrimmage. During the April 23 spring game he was 2-for-2 in field goals and made one of two extra points.
Attempts to contact Skeete at the Franklin County Correctional Facility, 2460 Jackson Pike, were unsuccessful.
The Lantern was unable to obtain the Franklin County sheriff's report on the incident.
Skeete's bond and preliminary hearing will be set 9:00 a.m. today during his arraignment.</td></tr></tbody></table>
OSU kicker arrested
By David J. Cross
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] Published: Thursday, May 12, 2005 [/font]
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Place-kicker Jonathan Skeete, seen here kicking during the Spring Game, was arrested yesterday for selling marijuana.
</td> </tr> </table></td></tr></table>Jonathan Skeete - a place-kicker for the Ohio State football team - was arrested early yesterday morning in his residence hall on a warrant for selling marijuana.
According to a complaint filed by the Franklin County sheriff\'s office, Skeete, 18, was taken into custody at 1:14 a.m. at Baker Hall East because of a Feb. 11 incident. Rick Amweg, spokesman for University Police, said the incident involved Skeete attempting to sell about half-pound of marijuana to an undercover officer.
"The only thing I know is that like in all cases, (Skeete will) be suspended indefinitely until we find out what goes on in the legal process," said football coach Jim Tressel. "Obviously it\'s a tremendously serious thing and we\'ll address it in like fashion."
"You would think I\'ve been at this long enough not to be shocked," he said. "I just think that human nature is to believe the best and think the best, and not that my thought process has changed, because I don\'t know exactly what the story is and what\'s going to come out of it, but obviously yeah big surprise to me."
If found guilty, Skeete could face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.
The arrest took place several months after the initial incident and more information is not available because of an ongoing investigation by University Police and the Franklin County sheriff\'s department that could have been compromised if he was arrested sooner, Amweg said.
Skeete, an undecided sophomore from Gahanna, is one of three players hoping to replace place-kicker Mike Nugent, who was drafted by the New York Jets.
Skeete, originally a walk-on, was redshirted in 2004 and completed 6-of-11 field goals during OSU\'s annual kick scrimmage. During the April 23 spring game he was 2-for-2 in field goals and made one of two extra points.
Attempts to contact Skeete at the Franklin County Correctional Facility, 2460 Jackson Pike, were unsuccessful.
The Lantern was unable to obtain the Franklin County sheriff\'s report on the incident.
Skeete\'s bond and preliminary hearing will be set 9:00 a.m. today during his arraignment.
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><table align="right" border="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center"><table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="10"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center">

Place-kicker Jonathan Skeete, seen here kicking during the Spring Game, was arrested yesterday for selling marijuana.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>Jonathan Skeete - a place-kicker for the Ohio State football team - was arrested early yesterday morning in his residence hall on a warrant for selling marijuana.
According to a complaint filed by the Franklin County sheriff's office, Skeete, 18, was taken into custody at 1:14 a.m. at Baker Hall East because of a Feb. 11 incident. Rick Amweg, spokesman for University Police, said the incident involved Skeete attempting to sell about half-pound of marijuana to an undercover officer.
"The only thing I know is that like in all cases, (Skeete will) be suspended indefinitely until we find out what goes on in the legal process," said football coach Jim Tressel. "Obviously it's a tremendously serious thing and we'll address it in like fashion."
"You would think I've been at this long enough not to be shocked," he said. "I just think that human nature is to believe the best and think the best, and not that my thought process has changed, because I don't know exactly what the story is and what's going to come out of it, but obviously yeah big surprise to me."
If found guilty, Skeete could face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.
The arrest took place several months after the initial incident and more information is not available because of an ongoing investigation by University Police and the Franklin County sheriff's department that could have been compromised if he was arrested sooner, Amweg said.
Skeete, an undecided sophomore from Gahanna, is one of three players hoping to replace place-kicker Mike Nugent, who was drafted by the New York Jets.
Skeete, originally a walk-on, was redshirted in 2004 and completed 6-of-11 field goals during OSU's annual kick scrimmage. During the April 23 spring game he was 2-for-2 in field goals and made one of two extra points.
Attempts to contact Skeete at the Franklin County Correctional Facility, 2460 Jackson Pike, were unsuccessful.
The Lantern was unable to obtain the Franklin County sheriff's report on the incident.
Skeete's bond and preliminary hearing will be set 9:00 a.m. today during his arraignment.</td></tr></tbody></table>