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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

He's really tearing the motherfucker down on his way out the door. I wonder if it's for the humiliation of the salary cut last year or the humiliation as a player of the coaches informing him that--as a retarded individual--he would not be allowed to major in History.

The solution that requires the fewest assumptions tells me he's just a (gloriously) dumb, arrogant motherfucker.

I don't think he's got the cognitive horsepower to go through some of the decision trees you ascribe to him (like he was a fully formed human).
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Rumors have been that Josh Gattis or Mike Hart would be promoted. I'd say Hart is a fairly optimal punching bag too lol

This late in the annual coaching carrousel cycle is about the worst time imaginable to have to start looking. Anyone worth having at this point has a contract with a big buy out. You just hate to see it.
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Taking a second interview with an NFL team on National Signing Day :slappy:

Can't make this shit up.
Came here to say the same. Not even being present at the football facilities as kids are supposed to sign to play for you.

This is their own QB. Their *ichigan *an. After finally lucking in to a win over us. And he’s sending a middle finger back on his way out.

That place sucks and will continue to suck.
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