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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

This is probably paywall info, but I don’t know that for sure so blame the secondary source for the original infraction:


Well here it is.
Update from Chris Balas.

Very likely. We've heard he has a verbal offer from Minnesota and wouldn't have gotten on a plane without it. And that he's planning on signing a contract tomorrow.

Now, if Miami swoops in or he blows the interview like Norm Peterson with the boss at his beer tasting gig ... well ...

But it appears to be a formality at this point.
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Gonna miss the goofy SOB.
Hope he's off his meds when he coaches at Minny.

He ducked two of the biggest beat downs in the series history - 2020 and 2022.
Still pulling for Gattis or Hart as his replacement.

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Jim Harbaugh news: Michigan football coach will take Minnesota Vikings job if offered

Michigan head football coach Jim Harbaugh is set for his second interview with the Minnesota Vikings Wednesday, which also happens to be National Signing Day. This interview will be in-person, unlike the first one which was virtual. How serious he is about potentially heading back to the NFL ultimately remains to be seen, but The Michigan Insider's Sam Webb reported Monday evening on Twitter that there is a consensus expectation. In a tweet, Webb wrote, "if the Vikings offer, he's gone."

Entire article: https://247sports.com/Article/Jim-H...e-Minnesota-Vikings-job-if-offered-181965025/

Why would a school like scUM even want to keep a coach that really doesn't want to be there?
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Jim Harbaugh news: Michigan football coach will take Minnesota Vikings job if offered

Michigan head football coach Jim Harbaugh is set for his second interview with the Minnesota Vikings Wednesday, which also happens to be National Signing Day. This interview will be in-person, unlike the first one which was virtual. How serious he is about potentially heading back to the NFL ultimately remains to be seen, but The Michigan Insider's Sam Webb reported Monday evening on Twitter that there is a consensus expectation. In a tweet, Webb wrote, "if the Vikings offer, he's gone."

Entire article: https://247sports.com/Article/Jim-H...e-Minnesota-Vikings-job-if-offered-181965025/

Why would a school like scUM even want to keep a coach that really doesn't want to be there?
He didn't want to be there last year either just no one in the NFL wanted his ass. He got pissed off and actually coached again.. Now he's trying again. He'll talk to people every year as long as they give him an interview. As soon as someone offers it looks like he's gone.
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For those not inclined to look but still curious, here's the list and link to the actual CBS Sports article. Also might be worth noting that the list is from Dennis Dodd.

Josh Gattis, Michigan offensive coordinator
Matt Rhule, Carolina Panthers coach
Bill O'Brien, Alabama offensive coordinator
Matt Campbell, Iowa State coach
P.J. Fleck, Minnesota coach
Mike Hart, Michigan running backs coach

College football recruiting: 2022 National Signing Day key announcement times, predictions, picks (cbssports.com)
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