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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)



Media Doing It's Best To Undermine Michigan Again
4:59 PM

Just Google Jim Harbaugh LA Rams and see how many stories there are now trying to connect the dots that Harbaugh is in fact leaving! Isn't just a crazy coincidence that all of this is going down during the recruiting silent period too!

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It ain't rocket science. He was a pretty successful NFL coach. He has a history of bouncing from job to job. He's been reasonably successful in college. Of course there are gonna be NFL rumors. It's gonna happen every year.

DFBIA swears everything is a conspiracy against them. All the while ignoring that they just sent the most undeserving Heisman Finalist of all-time to New York thanks to that very same media's idiotic hype of a marginally productive player without a true position.
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Shocked he hasn't come out and refuted the rumors.


tsun admin has a gag order on him since the presser post The Game... Heck, they didn't let him show up for the first half of the Orange Bowl coaches presser. lol.

Or what he said:
His handlers probably still have him in timeout after his tantrums following the Game.
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Harbaugh bolting to the Rams would likely result in the single greatest fan base meltdown we will see.
I dunno. I'd like to lay a couple more "L's" on him first, then send him running with his tail between his khakis.
This is so hard. I can't choose.
I can.

The way the series is going, I don't anticipate any coach other than Satan being close to competitive against Meyer. So at the risk of jinxing it, I think the "L's" will come. But seeing the scUM fan base's epic meltdown when he bolts for the NFL after such a short time, proving that scUM was nothing but a transition school for their beloved coach whom they anointed the savior of the program sounds far more appealing to me.

Just my 2c.
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