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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

He's up there until his craziness and ego can't take the losses to Ohio State anymore, which will lead down either of two paths: he bolts for the NFL or he has a Woody type meltdown that the UM administration simply can't ignore and they whack him. As I've said earlier, he can internally rationalize next year's loss because of "rebuilding," but if he goes down four in a row, he either flees or melts down in a spectacularly ugly, program destroying way. Just look at the aftermath of this year's game as well as his track record of NEVER having legitimately lost a close game. I can't imagine how tight he'll be wound going into that 2018 game in Columbus, unless of course he pulls a huge season (upset of Ohio State and playoff spot) out of his ass next year.
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I feel you're giving him a bit too much credit, ORD.

The post game presser and his insistence on the officiating tells me that he's already wound up pretty tight. Lucky for them they get a draw with a FSU squad that by any measure, they should beat by 2 scores. Which is perfect because it will give the fanbase the feeling of taking the next step.

If (when) he drops 3 games next year including a double digit loss to the Bucks had home, I think that meltdown might be coming sooner than you think.
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I feel you're giving him a bit too much credit, ORD.

The post game presser and his insistence on the officiating tells me that he's already wound up pretty tight. Lucky for them they get a draw with a FSU squad that by any measure, they should beat by 2 scores. Which is perfect because it will give the fanbase the feeling of taking the next step.

If (when) he drops 3 games next year including a double digit loss to the Bucks had home, I think that meltdown might be coming sooner than you think.

Hell, it might start to develop even earlier with a loss to Florida to kick off the year next year.

Losing to FSU certainly would add to the tension, they should beat FSU by 2 scores, but I have a feeling that FSU will be a little more motivated for this game than scUM.
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I feel you're giving him a bit too much credit, ORD.

The post game presser and his insistence on the officiating tells me that he's already wound up pretty tight. Lucky for them they get a draw with a FSU squad that by any measure, they should beat by 2 scores. Which is perfect because it will give the fanbase the feeling of taking the next step.

If (when) he drops 3 games next year including a double digit loss to the Bucks had home, I think that meltdown might be coming sooner than you think.

I'd love to be wrong. The sooner that retard goes full Franks & Beans (he collects foul baseballs by the way), the better. I just want it to be spectacular and drain the soul out of that universoty.
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Losing to FSU certainly would add to the tension, they should beat FSU by 2 scores, but I have a feeling that FSU will be a little more motivated for this game than scUM.
We see eye-to-eye on most everything, but I have to differ with you here. I think scUM is pissed that they "got robbed" on the 4th down call and thus kept out of the CCG and they playoffs, and that they'll have something to prove. Not to mention a ton of their seniors wanting to get the taste of the loss to us out of their mouths...
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I'd love to be wrong. The sooner that retard goes full Franks & Beans (he collects foul baseballs by the way), the better. I just want it to be spectacular and drain the soul out of that universoty.

I agree with this entirely, but let me add to that I hope it happens on national television during the OSU game. Unless I see police and fire department equipment on the field, the use of stun guns, maybe a foot chase, and guys in white coats carting him off in a straight-jacket, I will be bitterly disappointed.
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I agree with this entirely, but let me add to that I hope it happens on national television during the OSU game. Unless I see police and fire department equipment on the field, the use of stun guns, maybe a foot chase, and guys in white coats carting him off in a straight-jacket, I will be bitterly disappointed.
Use of a taser would be a nice touch also.
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We see eye-to-eye on most everything, but I have to differ with you here. I think scUM is pissed that they "got robbed" on the 4th down call and thus kept out of the CCG and they playoffs, and that they'll have something to prove. Not to mention a ton of their seniors wanting to get the taste of the loss to us out of their mouths...
Yeah, add in that FSU, isn't all that good this year. Aside from Demarcus Walker, their defense is very mediocre, and they have a shaky freshman QB. Dalvin Cook is a helluva player, but he plays right into scUM's defensive strength. Plus, no real "pucker factor" for the harbrau. I think scUM wins by 10+.
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No links needed, only common sense. I know that's why most UM fans freaked out though because a good bit of them lack it.



But there's two anyway
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We see eye-to-eye on most everything, but I have to differ with you here. I think scUM is pissed that they "got robbed" on the 4th down call and thus kept out of the CCG and they playoffs, and that they'll have something to prove. Not to mention a ton of their seniors wanting to get the taste of the loss to us out of their mouths...

I could see that. I was thinking more along the lines of "ugh we are stuck in the Orange Bowl against a pretty pedestrian FSU squad" (not only did they miss the playoff they also didnt even get the rose bowl as a side prize) I don't think they gain much from a win, but a loss definitely would be something, considering the hype entering the season and they are playing a team they should beat. A win and they finish #6 at worse, a loss might put them out of the top 10 all together.
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