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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I'm of the "hope he leaves" opinion (though I don't think he will).

If he stays and continues to lose they will just rationalize it away to some degree. Refs will always screw them, the next recruit is the second coming etc etc etc.

If their savior leaves them high and dry, and 0-2, they will be eviscerated. Their pain, anger and frustration will give off the soul warming heat of a million schadenfreudian suns.

It will keep Buckeye nation warm and well lit for generations.

Woody, I don't ask this for myself but for all the Buckeye children and all the Buckeye children yet born....now that we have the internet, please let this slappy bastard go back to the NFL. In your name we pray...Go Bucks!
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We have TBDBITL and they have DFBIA.

There was once a man who did his very best to further cement the validity of the bolded acronym as a descriptor for the fans of TTUN.



Sail on, good man. Sail on.
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Both sides have already debunked the rumors and JH said in an interview today "they're stuck with me."
Colin Cowherd says it's happening....it's not happening.

The Rams fire their coach.....it's still not happening.

Eric Dickerson wants it......not happening.

WolverineMike says it's not happening.....suddenly there is hope.
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Well, having lost to tOSU while having a seasoned team of 44 seniors, to an average redshirt sophomore tOSU team, I'd be pretty disappointed as well. Next year he'll have to rebuild, and someone above said 'the losses will come'. Agreed emphatically. Having said that, anyone worth his salt would realize that if he bolted, it would appear that the Wolverweenies coaching position would be possibly quicksand, given the parade of coaches preceeding. Dunno what Harbaugh is thinking (or if he completes his thoughts). He seems to have a short shelf life as a coach, what averaging 3-4 years(?), and like anyone of us, is leveraging his current position/salary, into more. He's the highest paid college coach in America, and has the power to command an ironclad contract at a ridiculous salary - I coach, you pay. You fire me, you still pay- type of contract. What would he have in two or more years of 6-7 records at Meatchicken? Probably not so much. Besides, he's probably used up all his bag of tricks at the college level, so maybe it's time to go.

Sounds like I'm a Harvard MBA, can argue both sides equally well, but cannot make a decision......nevertheless, Go Bucks!
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