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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

You guys just don't understand. 8 (that's EIGHT) coaches who were at a coordinator job at a P5 school are at least still coordinators at a P5 school.

LEGENDARILY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read it more like...guys that had jobs in 2008 STILL have jobs. AMAZING!!!!:

White spent three years on Harbaugh's staff at Stanford, and is nearing the end of in his third campaign with the Wolfpack.
He's bounced around the college scene over the last few years, but was hired as Durkin's defensive coordinator at Maryland before the 2016 season.
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I honestly don't see the loony bastard bolting for a couple more years, barring him doing something so batshit crazy that he's forced out...and that is entirely possible. For one, he's already making plenty of money, enough that I have a hard time seeing an NFL franchise opening up their bank account enough to top it. Two, I'm sure his reputation of being a drooling asshole has made it far-and-wide in NFL circles after the blow-up in SF. Three, I think ego-wise, he doesn't want to leave scUM without feeling he's truly reached the mountain top there.

I do think a couple of years down the road one of two things will happen:

- He'll get frustrated with the inability to get past tOSU and decide to go back chasing his SuperBowl dreams
- He'll wear out the scUM administration and blue-haired power base enough that they'll kindly tell him "maybe it's time for you to move back to the NFL." It's happened everywhere he's been. Don't think for a second that just because it's his alma mater, his batshit personality won't force the powers-that-be in ann arbor to tap out as well.
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