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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

The NCAA men's basketball regular season says, "Hi." Or, as a wise man once said:

how so?

That sport has chosen the tournament route above and beyond all other sports (and lends itself to that much moreso than football imo).

You either call it a day after the regular season or you play it off. Not sure where there is any in-between way to crown a champion.
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If Washington beast Bama would anyone genuinely believe they are the better team?
Using that logic, Ohio State should give back their national championship trophies for 2002 and 2014, because clearly we weren't the "best" team.

At least until we until we proved on the field that we were.
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Honestly if you want to crown a true champion you make conferences of 13 and play a RR schedule. You re-align every few years to keep it balanced.

The winner of each of these conferences gets put into the Playoffs. You can easily make 8 "conferences" since you will play 12 regular season games and then will play a 13th to take it from 8 to 4 teams just like today for the most part,

That way the regular season means something. Every single game means something.

You could play with the numbers. 6 conferences of then you pick 2 wild cards......ect. I am just spit balling.
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That would be laughable, everyone in the SEC besides Alabama is pretty much average or trash this year no matter how you try to spin it

LSU - Preseason #5 - Finish 7-4
Tennessee - Preseason #9 - Finish 8-4
Ole Miss - Preseason #11 - Finish 5-7
Georgia - Preseason #18 - Finish 7-5
Florida - Preseason #25 - Finish 8-3 in that weak ass divison

Teams who were "receiving votes" in the preseason

Texas A&M - 8-4
Auburn - 8-4
Arkansas - 7-5

Of the teams ranked in the preseason top 25, only Florida didn't completely flop on their expectations

You could say Auburn/Arkansas/Texas A&M finished with about what could have been expected, maybe a little less but all average teams at best.

LSU/Tennessee/Ole Miss completely flopped

Georgia was outside of the top 15 so their flop wasnt "as bad" as those 3

Missouri/South Carolina/Miss State are all not good, Vanderbilt is maybe a step above those 3 but nothing spectacular either. Kentucky had a decent season for them but still nothing spectacular there.

Basically a "good" performance in bowl season wouldn't be enough to erase how average-mediocre the whole conference besides Bama was this year. Winning 1 game for the teams that flopped doesn't erase their failed seasons.
It's just that sec gauntlet.
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