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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Peppers demonstrating more maturity than his head coach.

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Good to know the media isn't bitterly disappointed with Jimmy.

The hype machine goes on:

Jim Harbaugh's 2007 Stanford staff is becoming legendary

some of the highlights of these "legends"

Andy Buh (linebackers coach)
Buh spent one year as the linebackers coach at Stanford before becoming co-defensive coordinator in 2008. He's bounced around the college scene over the last few years, but was hired as Durkin's defensive coordinator at Maryland before the 2016 season.

Tim Drevno (tight ends coach)
After following Harbaugh to the 49ers, Drevno eventually rejoined him at Michigan, this time as the offensive coordinator. Drevno still holds the position, and his name has been floated around recently as a potential candidate to fill various head coaching vacancies.

Mike Sanford Jr. (offensive assistant)
Nobody knew the first thing about Sanford when he was at Stanford, but he's now one of the more high-profile offensive coordinators in the game at Notre Dame. Sanford just completed his second season with the Fighting Irish, and should be back in South Bend for Round 3 next year.

Lance Anderson (defensive tackles coach)
Anderson is still at Stanford, but now roams the sideline as the Cardinal's defensive coordinator. He earned the promotion in 2014, after spending several seasons working with both linebackers and defensive tackles.

Clayton White (defensive backs coach)
White now coaches at NC State, where he's a co-special teams coordinator and safeties coach. White spent three years on Harbaugh's staff at Stanford, and is nearing the end of in his third campaign with the Wolfpack.
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Lets just compare Harbrau's "EPIC!!1!!1!" 2008 coaching staff to Urban's 2012 staff...

2008 Stanford
Head coaches:
David Shaw (Stanford)
Willie Taggart (WKU, USF, Oregon)
DJ Durkin (Maryland)

Andy Buh (DC, Maryland- not exactly setting the world on fire)
Tim Drevno (It says he's scUM's OC, I thought that was Fisch and Drevno was OL?)
Mike Sanford Jr (OC, Notre Dame)
Lance Anderson (DC, Stanford)
Clayton White (Co-ST Coordinator, NC State...really? :lol:)

2012 Ohio State
Head Coaches:
Tom Herman (Houston, Texas...one of the hottest names in coaching)
Everett Withers (James Madison, Texas State)

Ed Warriner (OC, Ohio State...will probably eventually be a HC)
Luke Fickell (DC, Ohio State...will be a HC soon, maybe in a matter of days)
Mike Vrabel (Texans LB, but turned down an NFL DC job last year to remain in Houston, will be a DC soon)

Andy Buh and Clayton White "legendary"...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Andy Buh (linebackers coach)
Buh spent one year as the linebackers coach at Stanford before becoming co-defensive coordinator in 2008. He's bounced around the college scene over the last few years, but was hired as Durkin's defensive coordinator at Maryland before the 2016 season.
Refusal to learn, what a wonderfuly PC term. Not that he isn't able to learn, he just won't for some odd reason. No bruised psyches or self confidence damaging lingo for 21st century kids. Its funny how lanuage can give you insight into social changes through the years.

"Refusal to learn" would seem to have replaced the phrase "You dumb son of a bitch" they used for kids like him when I was younger.

It was a simpler time[waxes nostalgically] :)
Similarly, "bounced around the...scene over the last few years" used to be known, in the pre-legendary days, as, "couldn't find anyone willing to hire his ass."
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