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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Might be a bit out of my skill range, but I'll give it a try. Going to have to make the most of this win since Michigan Man is certain that this is Urban's ONLY chance of EVER beating The All-PowerfuL Harbaugh
Michigan Man was also certain that they'd win yesterday, because 1969, or something. Talent and coaching don't matter to people living a century-old myth.
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Michigan Man was also certain that they'd win yesterday, because 1969, or something. Talent and coaching don't matter to people living a century-old myth.

I'm looking forward to next year. We'll be undergoing a major rebuilding year, and Michigan should come into the game as the favorite. If Urban pulls off the upset, there will be oceans of Michigan Man tears.
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3 and a half minutes of pure joy. The shocked look appears to be permanent.

I have to admit, I do not watch many of his interviews. Reporters continuing to ask questions but he's just not going to give an answer to anything. I think the only question he attempted to give any sort of real answer to, was the question about Elliott. But even that answer, was just like all the others. I used to think that Tress's answers were the opposite of Meyer's in press conferences, but now I'm thinking Harbaugh is more the opposite.
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I have to admit, I do not watch many of his interviews. Reporters continuing to ask questions but he's just not going to give an answer to anything. I think the only question he attempted to give any sort of real answer to, was the question about Elliott. But even that answer, was just like all the others. I used to think that Tress's answers were the opposite of Meyer's in press conferences, but now I'm thinking Harbaugh is more the opposite.

Harbaugh seemingly has an "I'm doing everything I can to keep from strangling you for asking me a question" air about him. It's like he's daring the reporters to ask something that would justify him starting a fistfight. :lol:
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There were Tressel's "answering without really answering" responses, and then there's THE HARBRAU's "WTF are you doing asking me a question!?" non-answers. I also love that shocked look that's just plastered on his face. I think he's still processing that thorough ass beating and not being the savior he probably expected to be by delivering the win like in '69.
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Harbaugh seemingly has an "I'm doing everything I can to keep from strangling you for asking me a question" air about him. It's like he's daring the reporters to ask something that would justify him starting a fistfight. :lol:


and being a dick to the media works just fine while that new car smell still lingers

problems arise if you hit a rough(er) patch before bringing home any hardware

those people won't forget the insults and general asshattery, then it will be their turn
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