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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I'd like to see them go the "do you need me to talk slower for you?" route

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There were Tressel's "answering without really answering" responses, and then there's THE HARBRAU's "WTF are you doing asking me a question!?" non-answers. I also love that shocked look that's just plastered on his face. I think he's still processing that thorough ass beating and not being the savior he probably expected to be by delivering the win like in '69.

His childish little 1969 fantasy ended up with Urban blasting a load against the back of his throat that left an exit wound. No wonder he had a shocked look on his dimwitted face.
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Probably the best thing to happen to UM was getting railed by osu. Now there won't be any delusions of grandeur like when Hoke beat Fickell and everyone thought we were "back." Now we know there's still a lot of work to be done. Need some serious linebacker help. I think the recruits that were there understand the team needs playmakers.

JH beat who he was suppose to this year. Won more games than I expected. Good first season overall.
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3 and a half minutes of pure joy. The shocked look appears to be permanent.

I feel about 10 IQ points dumber now having watched that. It's like it takes his mind about five seconds to process a question into whatever fucking language his brain actually uses. The guy looks like he's a few steps from few-blown Alzheimer's...
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Probably the best thing to happen to UM was getting railed by osu. Now there won't be any delusions of grandeur like when Hoke beat Fickell and everyone thought we were "back." Now we know there's still a lot of work to be done. Need some serious linebacker help. I think the recruits that were there understand the team needs playmakers.

JH beat who he was suppose to this year. Won more games than I expected. Good first season overall.
I tend to agree with you and he opens 2016 in a better position than Franklin at Penn State. It took a total fluke play to lose the game with Sparty, but Michigan was outplayed all day by State and he got pounded by a Buckeye team that will start off with it's offensive identity intact.

My guess is that he's at least two years away from parity.
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I tend to agree with you and he opens 2016 in a better position than Franklin at Penn State. It took a total fluke play to lose the game with Sparty, but Michigan was outplayed all day by State and he got pounded by a Buckeye team that will start off with it's offensive identity intact.

My guess is that he's at least two years away from parity.

I was guessing 3, but after this year 2 sounds about right before he goes back to the nfl 8D
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