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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I tend to agree with you and he opens 2016 in a better position than Franklin at Penn State. It took a total fluke play to lose the game with Sparty, but Michigan was outplayed all day by State and he got pounded by a Buckeye team that will start off with it's offensive identity intact.

Yeah, it took a total fluke play to lose against Sparty, but it also took a colossal gaffe by Minnesota's coaching staff (to say nothing of their poor red zone execution) for Michigan to luck out a win in Minneapolis. They were also lucky to escape Bloomington with a win (double OT, and scored a TD on 4th down at the end of regulation to tie it).
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I didn't know Bobby Heenan smashed buckeyes, that's pretty cool factoid though. But yes they smash buckeyes up there every year with a maize and blue hammer. Pretty funny after JH smashed it, he stood up and tried to spin the hammer in the air and catch it and dropped it lol.


Jim Harbaugh smashing a buckeye with a hammer on Bo Schembechler’s grave is … really?

If wearing your school sweatshirt to work is a 1, and being a grown man wearing a jersey with your name on it is a 4, and poisoning trees is at a 10, seriously, the head coach cracking a nut on a grave is about a 6.2 on the creepy meter.

You know what’s a really fun tradition? Not being steamrolled over by the other team’s running game.


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If we're in the middle of a 3-loss rebuilding season like many expect and The HairbaL rolls into Columbus a big favorite.............and we toast his ass. Odds that he takes his khakis and goes home to the NFL? I'm saying 50-50.

@ Oklahoma
@ Wisconsin
@ Maryland
@ Michigan State

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