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I'm starting to get the hang of it. My most recent city has a 150k pop where they're not really complaining about anything except low land value yet most residential areas are maxed out on land value. My only resources were water and ore so I started with Ore and have since shifted to lots of recycling alloy plastic and then manufacturing that in to Computer Processors which brings me in a boatload of money. My hourly income is in the red but I more than cover it with my trade. I've got a nuclear power plant - has anyone had a disaster with one yet?
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CentralMOBuck;2314736; said:
Looks like a modder has found a way to run this game offline. Great job maxis/ea. SMFH.


The problem isn't running it, it's running it correctly. The game is designed to run for a short period of time on simple calculations if the server goes down. If it comes back up then things continue after a short period of simple calculations. If not, the game shut down. It's easy enough to shut off that sequence to allow the game to continue without a connection, but the calculations will be incorrect for long term gameplay.
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Magua;2314858; said:
I'm starting to get the hang of it. My most recent city has a 150k pop where they're not really complaining about anything except low land value yet most residential areas are maxed out on land value. My only resources were water and ore so I started with Ore and have since shifted to lots of recycling alloy plastic and then manufacturing that in to Computer Processors which brings me in a boatload of money. My hourly income is in the red but I more than cover it with my trade. I've got a nuclear power plant - has anyone had a disaster with one yet?

If your sims are educated nothing will go wrong. Feel free to watch this video if you want to see what happens when you put a nuclear power plant in the middle of redneckville. It's pretty funny.


Oh, and electronics is broken but in the player favor. That is how I made all my money in my last town. They don't even need workers to operate. You can literally destroy your entire town and build nothing but electronic plants and trade ports. I believe you can end up making about 10 million simoleons a day doing that.
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Magua;2314858; said:
I'm starting to get the hang of it. My most recent city has a 150k pop where they're not really complaining about anything except low land value yet most residential areas are maxed out on land value. My only resources were water and ore so I started with Ore and have since shifted to lots of recycling alloy plastic and then manufacturing that in to Computer Processors which brings me in a boatload of money. My hourly income is in the red but I more than cover it with my trade. I've got a nuclear power plant - has anyone had a disaster with one yet?
I haven't gone nuclear yet, but I did see radiation after a meteor shower.
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scott91575;2314874; said:
If your sims are educated nothing will go wrong. Feel free to watch this video if you want to see what happens when you put a nuclear power plant in the middle of redneckville. It's pretty funny.


Oh, and electronics is broken but in the player favor. That is how I made all my money in my last town. They don't even need workers to operate. You can literally destroy your entire town and build nothing but electronic plants and trade ports. I believe you can end up making about 10 million simoleons a day doing that.

After watching that, I feel I MUST OWN THIS GAME now. :lol:

I just don't know if I have a computer powerful enough to run it on. I may just say fuck it and run it on my laptop and hope for the best.
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TooTallMenardo;2314916; said:
After watching that, I feel I MUST OWN THIS GAME now. :lol:

I just don't know if I have a computer powerful enough to run it on. I may just say fuck it and run it on my laptop and hope for the best.

Don't need a super PC. My roomate runs it on a dual core processor PC with 3 GB of RAM and like a low/mid level Radeon GPU.
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That video is hilarious!! I finally bought the game yesterday. The game seems a lot smoother and better then what the beta was. There are so many things to understand and do in this one compared to the last SimCity games...it's going to take me a good 4-5 cities before i finally get things down.
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An incoming patch with address traffic. Why there was not already a priority based on traffic I don't know.


Another issue is the fact sims don't live in the same house of go to the same job. They feel this is too much micro, but when you have issue with traffic and kids not getting to school, the best way to figure it out is by following around a sim. If they don't go to the same school, live in the same house, or go to the same job it's difficult to determine the issues at hand. Yet I digress.
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GomerBucks;2315506; said:
Still cannot get onto NAE2....

Does anyone want to play on the NAE4 server? I can get on that one every time.
I don't see you in the invite list there, but scooter1369 has a world going. Probably a good plan to play two servers; there's a better chance one will be open at any given time.

Oh, and hey, scooter, thanks for all the robbers and the overly-enthusiastic arsonist. You must be having lots of fun over there. :lol:
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