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Deety;2313888; said:
Hey, thanks back, whoo! :)

I have ferry/airport/regional bus/streetcar in one city and airport/streetcar/passenger train in the other. Any of those connect cities, I think.

The expo events seem to boost tourism, but not enough to be profitable. It brings in pretty good money (so far), but you have to have enough cash on hand to invest in shows.

I have full stocks of plastic and smelted goods and nowhere to sell them yet. Grinding to a halt...

I built an airport and I still don't see a connection to your other city. Not sure what is up with that. Maybe it takes a little bit. I thought the other things didn't work because if you look at the roads and railroad tracks in the region, not all cities are connected. I will try and figure out why I don't see other cities.
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scott91575;2313914; said:
I built an airport and I still don't see a connection to your other city. Not sure what is up with that. Maybe it takes a little bit. I thought the other things didn't work because if you look at the roads and railroad tracks in the region, not all cities are connected. I will try and figure out why I don't see other cities.
Arcadia's airport may be turned off. It didn't get much use, so I was going to build tourist attractions. But looking at the other city, that might not be they plan now.
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scott91575;2313928; said:
Just checked your town. Yep, it's closed.
I noticed before that upgrades would sometimes become unavailable, so that's probably due to HQs or a City Hall with upgrades being turned off.

It seems as though the financial situation is static when you are offline, right? If so, and running deficits won't have your city in a giant pit upon signing back in, I guess it would be good to turn on any upgrades that were off right before signing out, so the benefits are available to the region. Not sure.
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Deety, I sent you a pretty massive gift. It's 10 million simoleons. I did this because I am getting calculation errors on this city too and I wanted to send out some cash before it becomes unplayable. I also sent you some other gifts of money too (over 1 million) prior to that.

Let me know that you got it. For the record, that city still has 30 million left. I think the problem is the great work that I created. What a mistake that was. It's just awful and floods my city with unemployed workers. I simply wanted shoppers and students to help complete the university. Instead I got a traffic jam all the way from the great work to my city. No joke. Now my freight shipping is all messed up since the trucks sit in the massive traffic jam all day long. There also seems to be an issue with ship and rail shipments. Luckily I make so much money in that city I can withstand it, but I have 40,000 crates of tv's and computers sitting in my storage that are 150,000 to almost 200,000 per 1000 crates (in other words, about 7 million simoleons just sitting in storage). That great work would have destroyed a normal city, and it may actually be causing the calculation errors that may actually destroy my city. Nice job Maxis.
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I was unable to log on to NA2 East yesterday which was a big bummer. So instead I helped a buddy of mine start a region on NA3 since he bought the game yesterday. Is there a way to just destroy and restart a city within a region? The BP city was like my first city and I screwed it up in hindsight. I'd like to restart my city from scratch if possible.

edit: it looks like I can't restart but can bulldoze everything lol. I guess that might be better anyways because I can then keep some of my nicer things (Ferry, Oil Drilling, Trade).
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scott91575;2313998; said:
Deety, I sent you a pretty massive gift. It's 10 million simoleons. I did this because I am getting calculation errors on this city too and I wanted to send out some cash before it becomes unplayable. I also sent you some other gifts of money too (over 1 million) prior to that.

Buying deety's love, I see
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scooter1369;2314016; said:
Buying deety's love, I see

It's the only way I know.

and there are plenty of spots left.

BTW...the city seems to be up and running again. It looks like the calculation errors were causing all the freight problems. Up to 43 million in no time. I make about 1 million a day in profit.

Deety, feel free to do what you will with the money. Perhaps you can distribute some of that out to the towns I am not connected to. JWins looks like he has his hand out. Maybe you can throw him a simoleon or two.
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scott91575;2314030; said:
It's the only way I know.

and there are plenty of spots left.

BTW...the city seems to be up and running again. It looks like the calculation errors were causing all the freight problems. Up to 43 million in no time. I make about 1 million a day in profit.

Deety, feel free to do what you will with the money. Perhaps you can distribute some of that out to the towns I am not connected to. JWins looks like he has his hand out. Maybe you can throw him a simoleon or two.

I can never get in to that server.
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Given the bugs I would bet that the current cities would not be the same ones we are using in a month or so, so why don't the server shunned users start their own new region on a server they can all join?

Then once we and maxis both iron out the kinks, we can do it up together.
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jwinslow;2314042; said:
Given the bugs I would bet that the current cities would not be the same ones we are using in a month or so, so why don't the server shunned users start their own new region on a server they can all join?

Then once we and maxis both iron out the kinks, we can do it up together.

Good idea! How about someone tell me what server and invite me!
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