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jwinslow;2315753; said:
Maybe it is because the disc isn't in? EDIT - no, it is still in there. Dunno.

Also, where do I click to gift money to another city?
I didn't use the disk - probably just a slow download.

Gifting is in region view, last icon on the right, I thnk. You have to click on the other city to see what they need. Seeing all of the connected cities at once would have been nice.
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Deety;2315774; said:
I didn't use the disk - probably just a slow download.

Gifting is in region view, last icon on the right, I thnk. You have to click on the other city to see what they need. Seeing all of the connected cities at once would have been nice.

edit: nevermind the below, Deety, I see what you are getting at (in regional view you have to pick 1 city). Yet I will leave it there in case anyone is wondering. Instead of going to region view it's easier just to click the button above the great works button.

All the connected cities show up on the left of your screen. They show up right above the great work button, which is right above the regional button, which is above your city button, well, you get the idea.

If you are not connected to any cities, none will show up there. When they need something, they will get a red border around their icon. Scroll over it to see what it is they need. You can simply click on the icon, and it will bring up the screen to send them what they need. If they need money, just click the little present (I believe it's the bottom right when you are on the sharing screen).
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scott91575;2315777; said:
edit: nevermind the below, Deety, I see what you are getting at (in regional view you have to pick 1 city). Yet I will leave it there in case anyone is wondering. Instead of going to region view it's easier just to click the button above the great works button.

All the connected cities show up on the left of your screen. They show up right above the great work button, which is right above the regional button, which is above your city button, well, you get the idea.

If you are not connected to any cities, none will show up there. When they need something, they will get a red border around their icon. Scroll over it to see what it is they need. You can simply click on the icon, and it will bring up the screen to send them what they need. If they need money, just click the little present (I believe it's the bottom right when you are on the sharing screen).
Oh, cool. I hadn't really looked at that.
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EA Insists SimCity Must Be Connected To Servers, Gamer Figures Out How To Run It Offline

For the swarms of angry EA customers ticked off at the company for forcing players to play the new SimCity in an always online mode, the slow, problem-riddled servers have been a huge annoyance. Calls for EA (our Worst Company In America 2012) and Maxis to allow gamers to play in offline mode have been dismissed by the company as not possible, but lo and behold, one game modder is claiming it is quite possible.

A Maxis exec had insisted previously that SimCity has to use those lumbering servers (I imagine them as actual dinosaurs, perhaps the fictional Brontosaurus) because they 'offload a significant amount of the calculations to our servers,' and trying to move the game to a single-player system would take 'a significant amount of engineering work from our team to rewrite the game.'

But then an inside source who claims to have worked on the game told RockPaperShotgun.com that the exec is either mistaken or just doesn't understand:

"The servers are not handling any of the computation done to simulate the city you are playing. They are still acting as servers, doing some amount of computation to route messages of various types between both players and cities. As well, they're doing cloud storage of save games, interfacing with Origin, and all of that. But for the game itself? No, they're not doing anything. I have no idea why they're claiming otherwise."

Of course you know why, because they're lying to cover their scam.
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He is the list of free games to choose from come March 25th

Battlefield 3 (Standard Edition)
Bejeweled 3
Dead Space 3 (Standard Edition)
Mass Effect 3 (Standard Edition)
MOHW (Standard Edition)
NFS Most Wanted (Standard Edition)
Plants vs. Zombies
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition

I either have or don't want most of them. Oh well, I guess I could get SC4 Deluxe edition and get the extras that gives so I can add them to my cities that no longer exist.
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CentralMOBuck;2316498; said:
Can you create regions that are speicialized? My idea is to have one region be all population centered and another be commercial/industrial.

I suppose you can. Yet you lose the benefits specializing in one area gives to the rest of the region. I guess if you want the region to the at the top of the leaderboards in one area is could be a good idea, but it would make things tougher.
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CentralMOBuck;2316861; said:
Really EA?

That is probably the best game on the list, but yeah, it's really cheap now. I was hoping for a few more, but oh well. Either I will just get the Deluxe edition for the heck of it or Need for Speed. I thought about DS3, but I have 1 and 2 and yet to play them. I tried to play 1, but it has a game breaking bug on PC I was not able to fix, so I never even bothered to try and finish it.

Medal of Honor Warfighter is like someone offering you a kick in the nuts as an apology.
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Magua;2319093; said:
Should we start a new region now that server issues seem under control?
Yes, you should. :p

I set up a region for experimenting (Orchestralia is a cool name, right?), but the game really does seem to force you into the same few scenarios very quickly. Still fun, but probably not something I'll be playing in a few years like the older versions. Not that the servers will still exist in a few years...
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