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I think I sent you an invite.

Better hurry, OSUstamm is claiming cities like crazy lol. I have one, deety has one, someone else has one, and then Stamm has like 4-5 I think?

So far everyone is focusing on income via resources and trading. I think I am the only one over 100k pop in a city. I was just about to start a 2nd city but wanted to see if Gifting has been fixed yet so I can send some of my 2.5 million simoleons over before I start.
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Still waiting to see if subways and other missing/hinted at features are coming as part of DLC. If a DLC pack happens or is announced sometime between now and the fall, I'll continue to hold out.

Oh, and also because I really would prefer the native Mac version to rebooting into BootCamp to play.
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What free game did you guys choose?

There are some shockingly great titles - BF3, ME3, NFSmw - the mass effect series ranks right behind Bad Company 2 as my favorite 360 game ever.

The rest seem really unappealing

Dead Space 3 - not a fan of the horror action genre in games or movies

Medal of Honor Warfighter - such poor reviews that they cancelled the entire series. Great choice to develop this instead of Bad Company 3 :shake:

Simcity 4 - beyond the hilarity of including a title to remind folks what Maxis used to produce, I just can't imagine wanting to play this also, especially with the decade old graphics

Plants vs Zombies - great smartphone game, not about to get it again

Bejeweled 3 - seriously?

I think most would have preferred an expansion pack of some sort. Since a DLC credit wasn't going to happen, it would have been nice to get a building pack instead.
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Hey Stamm, I'm going to be inviting a few more people to the region. At some point you'll likely have to start abandoning some of your 5 inactive cities lol

Also, we need more population. I think Jwins and I are the only two with populated cities???
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