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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

NCAA Response:

Donald RemyNCAA Chief Legal Officer

This union-backed attempt to turn student-athletes into employees undermines the purpose of college: an education. Student-athletes are not employees, and their participation in college sports is voluntary. We stand for all student-athletes, not just those the unions want to professionalize.

Many student athletes are provided scholarships and many other benefits for their participation. There is no employment relationship between the NCAA, its affiliated institutions or student-athletes.

Student-athletes are not employees within any definition of the National Labor Relations Act or the Fair Labor Standards Act. We are confident the National Labor Relations Board will find in our favor, as there is no right to organize student-athletes.

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Not sure what the end game is here for the players. I certainly support their fight for continued health care after their college playing days are over. Never seen a problem with allowing them to market themselves and share in revenue generated from using their likeness. Beyond that though, it is a really slippery slope that would likely result in the elimination of non-revenue sports and, possibly, college athletics altogether. Thousands of education opportunities lost.

So who wins?
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Not sure what the end game is here for the players.

This was posted to reddit by a (supposed) NWern football player:
[–]Northwestern WildcatsgoB1Gcats 633 points634 points635 points 7 hours ago*

NU player here on a throwaway. This isn't about getting paid. What it is about is protection. Many of us will have numerous injuries throughout our playing careers. A group of those players will continue to feel the effects of those injuries long after their playing days are over. The goal is to have some sort of medical protection if we need surgeries stemming from injuries sustained while playing for our university. Another goal is graduate school for those who were fortunate enough to play as a true Freshman. Most student-athletes get redshirted in their first year, and receive one year of grad school payed for in their fifth year of eligibility. We feel as though it is fair to ask for the same investment from the university all around. It isn't about getting an extra $200 a month for spending. We have our stipend, and if we budget correctly we are able to make it stretch for the month. Would it be nice to have some part of jersey sales or memorabilia sales? Absolutely. But that is not the goal as of right now.

Just wanted to add in that I am extremely thankful for the opportunity I have been given to not only play football, but to attend a world class university such as Northwestern. It is an opportunity millions dream of having. We are treated well at Northwestern, but unfortunately that is not the case at many other schools. Hopefully we can create a voice for the players and clean up these issues.

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I don't really have a problem with some kind of long term health care fund being set aside from jersey sales or whatever but here's the thing...where does it stop? The people who administrate a union still need to be needed once the worthwhile causes are addressed, they will quickly move on to the sublime and we'll see fights over the players rights to Starbucks or some such shit.

It doesn't really matter, neither the NCAA or the new power conference group thingy is going to allow these kids to form a union.
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Leave it to the nerds...wonder what Delany is thinking. :lol:

If you stupid jerk wads would just pay players under the table like the rest of Murica - you could have avoided the whole problem! Way to be forward thinking.

In reality - if they want Union protection, let's see them pay dues first.
This union is going to end real quick once somebody asks a college kid for money.
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