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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

Per 11w poster:
Arkansas and involved with one of their collectives. The O-Lineman that were already on roster at UA, last year received $5000 each as part of their NIL and anything they got on there own above that. The QB, KJ Jefferson drives into the players lot one day in a nice red Ferrari and yapping about it. Didn't do anything nice for his big boys up front like take them to dinner or anything, you know like CJ did when he was here. Well he got sacked and chased by opposing defenses a lot since the guys up front basically said, fuck him. He hit the portal after the season after a chat with the coaches, now at UCF I think playing for Gus Malzan.
A scenario that is easily believable in the current climate. And I could see it fracturing many programs if they don't have solid leadership
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Per 11w poster:

A scenario that is easily believable in the current climate. And I could see it fracturing many programs if they don't have solid leadership
Absolutely. But it's probably nothing new, when including the NFL. I remember hearing stories when I was a kid when some running back would buy all his lineman a steak dinner when he got 100+ yards, or something. Or, who was the quarterback for some gloves? "Take care of those who take care of you?" I think the commercials implied that he bought his linemen the gloves. Maybe it's new to college players, though.

But if I were coach and I suspected my linemen were taking plays off because my quarterback was a douche, I'll have to look for some creative punishments.
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Absolutely. But it's probably nothing new, when including the NFL. I remember hearing stories when I was a kid when some running back would buy all his lineman a steak dinner when he got 100+ yards, or something. Or, who was the quarterback for some gloves? "Take care of those who take care of you?" I think the commercials implied that he bought his linemen the gloves. Maybe it's new to college players, though.

But if I were coach and I suspected my linemen were taking plays off because my quarterback was a douche, I'll have to look for some creative punishments.
That was Dan Marino in the ad for isotoner gloves IIRC
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