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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

MaliBuckeye;2053425; said:
This doesn't really fit the "College Football" part of this thread, but Shagg has an interesting situation re: someone trying to buy drugs from the wrong person.

Reminds me of the McNeiling situation, re: available information on the web.

/deletes account


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The last thing I saw was pg 11 or so, and the guy had just texted the lady who was asking for drugs, telling her he had a guy delivering them who also delivers pizzas. The plan was for her to order a pizza and put it under a code name so he would know it was her. When he got there, she was to give him $120 and he would go back to the car to get the drugs. Well, obviously the real pizza man wouldn't know anything about it, and he would just leave with the $120 thinking he got a sweet tip, while she sat on her doorstep and watched him drive away :lol:

Then people on the Shag started telling the guy that he and/or the pizza man were going to get stabbed, and that's when they moved it to whatever elitist pr ick forum they use on that site.
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