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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

MaliBuckeye;2004968; said:
The thread where the guy posts that he's headed to hospice and says goodbye is pretty amazing- particularly the response.

Oh, and last week someone was live-posting about their telling the wife they wanted a divorce.

I've had a lot of back and forth with Dr. Drunkenstein on the LSU forums. Sad to see him go. AFAIK he's still a fairly young guy.

The divorce thread was awesome.
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BusNative;2005083; said:
Link, please... or do I need to go deeper into the wives... stupid [Mark May]... thread?

Thread got anchored/deleted. Uncle Charlie must of done something bad.

He posted he was going to divorce his wife. Said everything was cool and it would be amicable. Then he posts that things didn't go as expected and he wouldn't be able to post for a while.
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Bill Lucas;2005285; said:
Thread got anchored/deleted. Uncle Charlie must of done something bad.

He posted he was going to divorce his wife. Said everything was cool and it would be amicable. Then he posts that things didn't go as expected and he wouldn't be able to post for a while.

Speculation is that the posts were dumped to prevent his wife from using them in court against him. What kind of lawyer would think....
Gatorubet;2005340; said:
It never disappoints. If I don't visit both them and EDSBS it is a rare day.

Oh. Nevermind.

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No clue where to put this, but for a moment away from the sickness of the Penn State situation...

Go ahead and just read Mark Ennis' twitter timeline from the last hour- "Your school's riot"

Just to compile a bunch...

Mark Ennis
If this was a Louisville fan riot, half the people would show up a half hour after it started.
@Mengus22 If it was a Kentucky fan riot, it would be over quickly with rioters saying how they can't wait for basketball season :(
Kerri Wilkinson
@Mengus22 The Mizzou riot would be scheduled, then reconsidered, rescheduled, and reconsidered again.
Mark Ennis
Texas A&M's riot would be really good...for a half.
@Mengus22 Alabama just claimed their 38th Rioting National Championship
ND riots just discuss how the riots from the glory days were so much better
Krista Jones
@Mengus22 Boise State's riot wouldn't impress the computers.
Heather Snedeker
@Mengus22 T Boone Pickens is currently building a state of the art riot facility for OK St
Basil Rathbone
UF claims it's has a long & historic tradition of riots but no one really remembers them rioting before the early 90's.
corey williams
@Mengus22 Vandy would debate the riot.
Terry Brown
@Mengus22 Ohio State would refer to their riot as THE Riot
@Mengus22 this is the year Clemson's riot turns the corner
Raphielle Johnson
@Mengus22 Major outlets would declare Florida State and Miami's riots "back" every year...only to watch it fall apart after two blocks.
Those nice Nebraskans :lol:
@Mengus22 Nebraska's rioters will applaud rival rioters if they riot really well.
Steve Giordano
Let's be honest. Boise State couldn't handle the week-to-week rioting demands that BCS teams have to deal with
@Mengus22 Oregon would pay a Texas rioting service to handle their riot.
@Mengus22 Houston Nutt would invite way more people to the riot than they have room for, them tell some of them to go home.
Mike McShane
@Mengus22 Jim Tressel knew about Ohio State's riot months ago.
J. Daniel Rollins
@Mengus22 John Calipari would leave Kentucky's riots for another school's right before the police showed up.
@Mengus22 Purdue's riot would end when everyone suffers torn ACLs

And it keeps going...:slappy:
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Some of the newest ones. Pure comedy.

Brian Fremeau
@Mengus22 Notre Dame is monitoring the super riot landscape but prefers to riot independently
What the hell are Maryland rioters WEARING?
@Mengus22 Iowa would riot... FOR AMERICA
Joel Barker
@Mengus22 Bruce Pearl would deny the riot took place at his house.
Ben Youngerman
Coastal Carolina's riot needs more dogs. MEOWWW!!!
Charlie Toft
@Mengus22 The BYU riot would begin, spend 2 years in Belize, and then pick up where it left off.
@Mengus22 Whoever is rioting on Thursday night will have their night ruined because Craig James & Jesse Palmer will be calling play by play.
@Mengus22 Butler would riot for all the schools who never had a chance to riot.
Matt Louder
@elevenwarriors UC's rioters would light one couch on fire and claim to be the best rioters in all of OHIO
Shaddy Swade
@elevenwarriors Kirk Herbstreit loves the way rioters spread the street and make plays in space

I do love the internet.
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