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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

Ted Haggard;2058140; said:
Got it. I'll continue to send you dick drawings via PM, then.

Posts by these fake usernames suggesting things like me being interested in dick drawings are really irritating to me.

Only actual pictures, please.
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One of the fucktards on Shaggy has a serious death wish.

If shaggy is interested in hilarity, then might I suggest we take up a collection for me to attend in an officially licensed pedo bear costume? Yes--I guarantee I will absolutely show up to the Ticket City Bowl in a full-on pedo bear costume (with appropriate "Joe Knows Football Child Rape" t-shirt), walk around shaking hands with the cougar high fans and patting the Pedo State children on the head as they pass by in the concourse. And if shaggy (paging Eddie Money) can get me tickets behind the bench, I will absolutely read the grand jury's presentment throughout the entire game.
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Gatorubet;2060975; said:
Wait a minute....there's an officially licensed Pedobear costume?


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