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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

fourteenandoh;2083197; said:
That may be one of the most bazaar threads in the history of message boards. Too bad it ended that way.

Readers of that board would have had mixed feelings, also. One of their posters started a thread several weeks ago about having cancer, and it ended up being a hoax. I don't think he posts there any more - he was summarily blasted by just about everyone there. (Dr. Drunkenstein was the guy)
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BB73;2083238; said:
Readers of that board would have had mixed feelings, also. One of their posters started a thread several weeks ago about having cancer, and it ended up being a hoax. I don't think he posts there any more - he was summarily blasted by just about everyone there.

Weren't they trying to hunt him down at one point as well? :lol:
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southcampus;2082616; said:
Really sad 20 pages.

What's the pedo bear stuff you're referring to? I know that Shaggy was behind the Houston/PSU game pedo bear appearance, but I hadn't heard anything else regarding it.

This is all you need to know...the rest is self explanatory :slappy:

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Saw31;2083084; said:
Very sad. Saw the thread when it was still titled "Missing". Didn't get through it until later. Just fucking horrible. So young...

Yeah, one of the most depressing things I've read on the internet. God almighty.
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Bucky Katt;2087564; said:
Yeah, one of the most depressing things I've read on the internet. God almighty.

I've read a few threads like that. They're grim, and when the truth comes out, it's just terrible to read.

For the most part we come to these forums for entertainment. It's supposed to be fun to be here, and Shaggy is all about fun. So when something like this happens it seems to have an even bigger impact.

It's just a sad reminder that we're all mortal. Sucks.
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